bladder ultrasonography

bladder ultrasonography

The noninvasive determination of postvoid residual urine volume using an ultrasound device, which automatically calculates and displays bladder volume.
Bladder ultrasonography indications
• Bladder outflow obstruction;
• Overactive bladder;
• Urinary incontinence of any pattern;
• Sensory phenomena—e.g., bladder pain;
• Follow-up of watchful waiting or treatment protocols.

bladder ultrasonography

Bladder capacity ultrasound, bladder scan Urology The noninvasive determination of postvoid residual urine volume using an ultrasound device, which automatically calculates and displays bladder volume Indications Lower urinary tract dysfunction, urinary incontinence and/or neurogenic bladder. See Intermittent catheterization, Postvoid residual urine volume.