Chemin-A-Haut State Park
Chemin-A-Haut State Park
Location:Just east of LA 139, 10 miles north of Bastrop in Morehouse Parish.
Facilities:26 improved campsites, primitive camping area, comfort stations, 14cabins (2 @di), group camp, picnic area, 3 picnic shelters, 2playgrounds, hard-surfaced trail, swimming pool, boat rentals, boatlaunch, meeting room, visitor center.
Activities:Camping, boating, fishing, swimming, hiking.
Special Features:Park is situated at the intersection of Bayous Chemin-A-Haut andBartholomew, on a high bluff overlooking Bayou Bartholomew. Centuriesago, American Indians used this area for their seasonal migrationssouth.
Address:14656 State Park Rd
Bastrop, LA 71220
Phone: 888-677-2436;
Size: 503 acres.
See other parks in Louisiana.