Chemiluminescence Analysis

Chemiluminescence Analysis


a set of methods used for the quantitative, and less often the qualitative, analysis of chemical elements and compounds; the methods are based on the effect that the substance to be analyzed has on the intensity or spectrum of chemiluminescence. The effect of the substance is detected by visual, photoelectric, or photographic means. Chemiluminescence analysis is a form of luminescence analysis.

When solutions are analyzed, chemiluminescent reactions of certain organic substances are usually employed. Such reactions include the oxidation of luminol, lucigenin, or siloxene. The substance to be analyzed either intensifies or reduces the chemiluminescence.

Chemiluminescence analysis is used to identify, for example, hydrogen peroxide, alcohols, aniline derivatives, certain nerve gases, and glucose, as well as trace amounts of Co, Cu, Fe, Cr, and As. It is also employed to measure ozone and oxides of nitrogen and sulfur in the air with a relative sensitivity of 10–9.


Babko, A. K., L. I. Dubovenko, and N. M. Lukovskaia. Khemiliuminestsentnyi analiz. Kiev, 1966.
Chemiluminescence and Bioluminescence. New York-London, 1973.