cyclomatic complexity

cyclomatic complexity

[¦st·klə‚mad·ik kəm′plek·səd·ē] (computer science) A measure of the complexity of a software module, equal to e-n + 2, where e is the number of edges in the control flow graph and n is the number of nodes in this graph (that is, the cyclomatic number of the graph plus one).

cyclomatic complexity

(programming, testing)A measure of the number of linearlyindependent paths through a program module. Cyclomaticcomplexity is a measure for the complexity of code related tothe number of ways there are to traverse a piece of code.This determines the minimum number of inputs you need to testall ways to execute the program.

cyclomatic complexity

A measurement of the intricacy of a program module based on the number of repetitive cycles or loops that are made in the program logic. It is used as a general measure of complexity for software quality control as well as to determine the number of testing procedures.