

单词 eai
释义 DictionarySeemiddleware



Enterprise Application Integration


(Enterprise Application Integration) The various techniques used to make information systems work together in the large enterprise. For example, when companies acquire other companies, disparate systems have to be integrated. Within a company, newly developed systems must work with legacy systems, and separate systems developed independently in the past must often be tied together to provide required information and services. When information systems are integrated, business intelligence can be gleaned across the entire enterprise.

EAI software may function as a central distribution hub, providing data and command conversions where necessary between applications. It is also a major component of a business process management suite (see BPM). See middleware and application integration.

EAI often entails conversion from one format to another and differs from EII (enterprise information integration), which aggregates current information from disparate sources. EAI also differs from ETL (extract, transform, load), which migrates data from one database into another. See EII and ETL.
FinancialSeeEnterprise for the Americas Initiative


EAIEnterprise Application Integration
EAIElectronic Arts Intermix (New York, NY)
EAIEntreprise d'Aménagement Intérieur (French: Interior Solutions Company)
EAIÉcole d'Application de l'Infanterie (French: Infantry School Application)
EAIEngineering Animation Inc.
EAIExternal Audio in
EAIEpinephrine Auto-Injector (adrenaline dose devise)
EAIExternal Authoring Interface
EAIEpson America, Inc. (computer equipment)
EAIEast Asian Institute
EAIElephant Aid International (est. 2009)
EAIEstimated Annual Income
EAIEnterprise for ASEAN Initiative
EAIEnvironmental Associates, Inc.
EAIÉlectricité Automatisme Informatique (French: Electricity Automation Computers; Burkina Faso)
EAIEnvironmental Assessment Institute (est. 2002; Danish Ministry of the Environment)
EAIEurope Acoustique Ingénierie (French: Acoustic Engineering Europe)
EAIe-Business Application Integration
EAIEducation Associates, Inc. (South Carolina)
EAIEnvironmental Analysis, Inc. (testing firm)
EAIEasy Access, Inc. (various organizations)
EAIEurope-Afrique Intérim SA (French: Europe-Africa Interim SA; Cameroon)
EAIEmergency Action Interface
EAIEvaluación Ambiental Inicial (Guatemala)
EAIEqual Appearing Interval
EAIExternal Alarm Interface
EAIEast African Industries
EAIElectronics Associates, Incorporated
EAIExperimental Aviation Inc. (Santa Monica, California)
EAIExternal Architecture Interface
EAIEngine Air Intake
EAIElectronic Application Integrator
EAIEmployer's Agent Instruction (UK)
EAIEnterprise View A
EAIÉchange Afrique INSA (Institut National des Sciences Appliquées; French: INSA (National Institute of Applied Sciences) Africa Exchange)




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