Eagle Trail State Recreation Site
Eagle Trail State Recreation Site
Location:16 miles south of Tok, at milepost 109.5 of the Tok Cut-off Highway.
Facilities:35 campsites, picnic sites, picnic shelter, latrines (é), drinking water, hiking and nature trails, historical features.
Activities:Camping, hiking, wildlife viewing.
Special Features:Eagle Trail campground offers most highway travelers their firstopportunity to explore the Alaska Range. An eight-hour hike up thebordering creek brings backpackers within close viewing distance ofDall sheep in the Tok Trophy Sheep Management Area.
Address:c/o Northern Area Office
3700 Airport Way
Fairbanks, AK 99709
Web: www.dnr.state.ak.us/parks/units/tok.htm
Size: 280 acres.
See other parks in Alaska.