Chemical Engineering Institutes

Chemical Engineering Institutes


higher educational institutions that train engineers and production specialists for the chemical industry and related fields, including petroleum refining, metallurgy, pharmaceutical productions, and food processing.

Chemical engineering institutes offer specialization in the following areas: production engineering for inorganic chemicals and fertilizers; electrochemical production engineering; chemical engineering of solid fuels; technology of basic organic synthesis; chemical engineering of organic dyes and intermediates; chemical engineering of plastics and synthetic rubber; chemical engineering of varnishes, paints, and paint and varnish coatings; chemical engineering of binding materials; chemical engineering of glass; radiation chemistry; technology of the separation and use of isotopes; fundamental processes of chemical production and chemical cybernetics; chemical engineering of protective agents for plants; chemical engineering of petroleum; chemical engineering of the production of food products; and chemical engineering of the production of artificial fibers and leathers.

In 1977 there were 17 chemical engineering institutes in the USSR, including nine technological institutes, five institutes of chemical engineering, and three other institutes. The technological institutes are the S. M. Kirov Byelorussian Technological Institute (founded in 1961 by a reorganization of a forestry technology institute established in 1930); the Blogoveshchensk (1972), Briansk (1930), Kostroma (1932), Eastern Siberian (Ulan Ude, 1962), Voronezh (1930), and Siberian (Krasnoiarsk, 1958) technological institutes; the Lensovet Leningrad Institute of Technology (1928); and the Leningrad Technological Institute of the Pulp and Paper Industry (1931).

The institutes of chemical engineering are the F. E. Dzerzhinskii Dneprpetrovsk (1930), Ivanovo (1918), S. M. Kirov Kazan (1919), Kazakh (Chimkent, 1943), and D. I. Mendeleev Moscow (1920) institutes of chemical engineering. Other institutes include the Moscow (1931) and Tambov (1965) institutes of chemical machine building and the M. V. Lomonosov Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Engineering (1931).

Most chemical engineering institutes have evening and correspondence departments or divisions. The period of training is from five to six years. At the end of training, students complete a diploma project and become qualified as engineers and production specialists in their chosen specialities.