Combarelles, Les

Combarelles, Les


an Upper Paleolithic site in the Les Combarelles cave, near Les Eyzies, Dordogne Department, France. More than 400 representations of various animals (mammoths, rhinoceroses, horses, bisons, reindeer, alpine lions) and of anthropomorphic figures were found in 1901 on the walls within the cave—a narrow corridor measuring 237 m long. The representations were mostly engravings.


Efimenko, P. P. Pervobytnoe obshchestvo, 3rd ed. Kiev, 1953.
Okladnikov, A. P. Utro iskusstva. [Leningrad, 1967.]
Leroi-Gourhan, A. Préhistoire de l’art occidental. [Paris] 1965.