FRAAFielding Runs Above Average (baseball)
FRAAForeign Relations Authorization Act (US)
FRAAFarmington River Anglers Association (New Hartford, CT)
FRAAFree Radio Area of the Americas
FRAAFoot Reflexology Awareness Association (Eagle Rock, CA)
FRAAFixed Rank Approximation Algorithm
FRAAFront Range Airport Authority (Colorado)
FRAAFranklin Regional Athletic Association (Murrysville, PA)
FRAAFire Related Abbreviations and Acronyms (Fire Information Group, UK)
FRAAFamily Relations Amendment Act
FRAAFree Roaming Action Adventure (gaming)
FRAAFormación Reticular Activadora Ascendente
FRAAFurniture Rental Association of America
FRAAFoes of Rome Assembly Alliance
FRAAForked River Assembly Area
FRAAFleet Repairables Assistance Agent
FRAAFederal Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1992 (US)