call to account

call to account

1. To confront or question one about one's wrongdoings. A noun or pronoun can be used between "call" and "account." That's it—the next time I see Rachel, I'm calling her to account! I simply can't tolerate her selfish behavior any longer. I'm sure the boss is going to call me to account for my outburst during the meeting.2. To blame one for something. A noun or pronoun can be used between "call" and "account." I was the lead salesperson, so I knew that I would be called to account when my team lost that big client.See also: account, call

call someone to account

to ask one to explain and justify one's behavior, policy, performance, etc. The sergeant called the police officer to account. I called my workers to account for the accident.See also: account, call

call to account

1. Hold answerable, as in One day soon we'll be called to account for the child's behavior: [Mid-1500s] 2. Challenge or contest, as in The IRS is bound to call us to account on these deductions. [First half of 1800s] See also: account, call

call somebody to acˈcount (for/over something)

(formal) make somebody explain a mistake, loss, etc: His manager called him to account over the missing reports.See also: account, call, somebody

call to account

1. To challenge or contest.2. To hold answerable for.See also: account, call