

单词 deodorizer



D0138900 (dē-ō′də-rīz′)tr.v. de·o·dor·ized, de·o·dor·iz·ing, de·o·dor·iz·es To mask or neutralize the odor of or in: deodorized the locker room.
de·o′dor·i·za′tion (-dər-ĭ-zā′shən) n.de·o′dor·iz′er n.





substance used to absorb or eliminate offensive odors. Disinfectants such as hydrogen peroxide, chlorine, and chlorine compounds eliminate odors caused by microorganisms. Adsorbent deodorizers such as activated charcoal and silica gel remove odorous molecules by attracting them to the adsorbent surface. Some substances, such as chlorophyll, eliminate odors by combining chemically with odorous impurities. Glycols, which are disinfectant as well as deodorizing substances, are sprayed into the air to absorb odors. In some industrial processes, odor-containing air is scrubbed, i.e., bubbled through a liquid that dissolves or emulsifies the odorous molecules. In personal hygiene, deodorants may be applied locally on body surfaces. Because most body odor is caused by the action of bacteria on the skin (perspiration is nearly odorless), many deodorants contain antiseptics that destroy bacteria; the antiseptic hexachlorophene is no longer used in deodorants because it has been shown to cause brain damage. An antiperspirant component of deodorant preparations, usually an aluminum salt, blocks the pores through which perspiration is secreted.



 [de-o´dor-īz″er] a deodorizing agent.


(dē-ō'dĕr-ant), 1. Eliminating or masking a smell, especially an unpleasant one. 2. An agent having such an action; especially a cosmetic combined with an antiperspirant. Synonym(s): deodorizer [L. de- priv. + odoro, pp. -atus, to give an odor to, fr. odor, a smell]


(dē-ō'dŏr-ănt) 1. Eliminating or masking a smell, especially an unpleasant one. 2. An agent having such an action, especially a cosmetic combined with an antiperspirant.
Synonym(s): deodorizer.
[L. de- priv. + odoro, pp. -atus, to give an odor to, fr. odor, a smell]

Patient discussion about deodorizer

Q. Does a women wear men's deodorant can get breast cancer? I love partying. I used to go out with my boyfriend on Saturdays to dance clubs. I am crazy about the fragrance of my boyfriend’s deodorant. One day I asked him to lend his deo to me for just one party. He said that men’s deo can cause breast cancer in ladies. I am afraid of using it. But I could not overcome my feelings. I like to try it out once, only once. Is it true that women that wear men's deodorant can get breast cancer? (I love the fragrance of Old spice!) A. naaaa! that's just an urban myth. there isn't any difference between women's or men's deodorant. neither of them should cause breast cancer... but they both contain aluminum which is generally not good for you.

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