

单词 face



F0003200 (fās)n.1. a. The surface of the front of the head from the top of the forehead to the base of the chin and from ear to ear.b. A person: We saw many new faces on the first day of classes.2. A person's countenance: a happy face.3. A contorted facial expression; a grimace: made a face at the prospect of eating lemons.4. a. A countenance of a certain complexion or form. Used in combination: babyface; frogface.b. A person having such a countenance. Used in combination: paleface.5. a. Facial makeup: put one's face on.b. Facial makeup of a certain color, usually worn for the purpose of impersonating or mocking people of a particular racial or ethnic group. Used in combination: applied blackface.c. Assumed characteristics, such as clothing or behavior, intended to impersonate or mock people of a particular racial or ethnic group. Used in combination: dressing up in yellowface.6. Outward appearance: the modern face of the city.7. a. Value or standing in the eyes of others; prestige: did their best to save face after they were shown to be wrong; did not want to lose face by being unable to live up to his reputation.b. Self-assurance; confidence: The team managed to maintain a firm face even in times of great adversity.8. Effrontery; impudence: had the face to question my judgment.9. The most significant or prominent surface of an object, especially:a. The surface presented to view; the front.b. A façade.c. Outer surface: the face of the earth.d. A marked side: the face of a clock; the face of a playing card.e. The right side, as of fabric.f. An exposed, often precipitous surface of rock.10. A planar surface of a geometric solid.11. Any of the surfaces of a rock or crystal.12. The end, as of a mine or tunnel, at which work is advancing.13. The appearance and geologic surface features of an area of land; topography.14. Printing a. A typeface or range of typefaces.b. The raised printing surface of a piece of type.v. faced, fac·ing, fac·es v.tr.1. To occupy a position with the face toward: stood and faced the audience.2. To front on: a window that faces the south.3. a. To meet or confront with self-assurance: How can I face your parents when they know that I've let them down?b. To acknowledge and accept or deal with: had to face the facts; must be willing to face our problems. See Synonyms at defy.4. a. To be certain to encounter; have in store: An unskilled youth faces a difficult life.b. To bring or to be brought face to face with: "The prospect of military conflict ... faced us with nightmarish choices" (Henry A. Kissinger).5. To cause (troops) to change direction by giving a command.6. Games To turn (a playing card) so that the face is up.7. To furnish with a surface or cover of a different material: bronze that is faced with gold foil.8. To line or trim the edge of, especially with contrasting material: face a hem with lace.9. To treat the surface of so as to smooth.v.intr.1. To be turned or placed with the front toward a specified direction.2. To turn the face in a specified direction.Phrasal Verbs: face down To attain mastery over or overcome by confronting in a resolute, determined manner: face down an opponent in a debate; faced the enemy down. face off1. Sports To stand opposite an opponent in ice hockey, lacrosse, and other games and attempt to gain control of a puck or ball released by an official at the start of play.2. To compete: Two longtime opponents faced off in a bitter election. face up To confront an unpleasant situation with resolution and assurance: had to face up or get out; finally faced up to the problem.Idioms: face the music To accept the unpleasant consequences, especially of one's own actions. in the face/teeth of In opposition to or defiance of. on the face of it From appearances alone; apparently: On the face of it, the problem seems minor. show (one's) face To make an appearance: Don't show your face on my property again. to (one's) face In the view or hearing of: insulted me to my face.
[Middle English, from Old French, from Vulgar Latin *facia, from Latin faciēs; see dhē- in Indo-European roots.]
face′a·ble adj.


(feɪs) n1. a. the front of the head from the forehead to the lower jaw; visageb. (as modifier): face flannel; face cream. 2. a. the expression of the countenance; look: a sad face. b. a distorted expression, esp to indicate disgust; grimace: she made a face. 3. informal make-up (esp in the phrase put one's face on)4. outward appearance: the face of the countryside is changing. 5. appearance or pretence (esp in the phrases put a bold, good, bad, etc, face on)6. worth in the eyes of others; dignity (esp in the phrases lose or save face)7. informal impudence or effrontery8. the main side of an object, building, etc, or the front: the face of a palace; a cliff face. 9. the marked surface of an instrument, esp the dial of a timepiece10. the functional or working side of an object, as of a tool or playing card11. a. the exposed area of a mine from which coal, ore, etc, may be minedb. (as modifier): face worker. 12. the uppermost part or surface: the face of the earth. 13. Also called: side any one of the plane surfaces of a crystal or other solid figure14. (Mountaineering) mountaineering a steep side of a mountain, bounded by ridges15. either of the surfaces of a coin, esp the one that bears the head of a ruler16. slang Brit a well-known or important person17. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) printing a. the printing surface of any type characterb. the style, the design, or sometimes the size of any type fountc. the print made from type18. (Nautical Terms) nautical aeronautics the aft or near side of a propeller blade19. fly in the face of to act in defiance of20. in one's face directly opposite or against one21. in face of in the face of despite22. look someone in the face to look directly at a person without fear or shame23. on the face of it to all appearances24. set one's face against to oppose with determination25. show one's face to make an appearance26. shut one's face slang (often imperative) to be silent27. to someone's face in someone's presence; directly and openly: I told him the truth to his face. 28. until one is blue in the face informal to the utmost degree; indefinitelyvb29. (when: intr, often foll by to, towards, or on) to look or be situated or placed (in a specified direction): the house faces on the square. 30. to be opposite: facing page 9. 31. (tr) to meet or be confronted by: in his work he faces many problems. 32. (tr) to accept or deal with something: let's face it, you're finished. 33. (tr) to provide with a surface of a different material: the cuffs were faced with velvet. 34. to dress the surface of (stone or other material)35. (Card Games) (tr) to expose (a card) with the face uppermost36. (Military) military chiefly US to order (a formation) to turn in a certain direction or (of a formation) to turn as required: right face!. 37. (Hockey (Field & Ice)) ice hockey a. (of the referee) to drop (the puck) between two opposing players, as when starting or restarting play. See also face-offb. to start or restart play in this manner38. face the music informal to confront the consequences of one's actions[C13: from Old French, from Vulgar Latin facia (unattested), from Latin faciēs form, related to facere to make] ˈfaceable adj


abbreviation for Fellow of the Australian College of Education



n., v. faced, fac•ing. n. 1. the front part of the head, from the forehead to the chin. 2. a look or expression on this part: a sad face. 3. an expression or look that indicates ridicule, disgust, etc.; grimace: to make a face. 4. cosmetics; makeup: to put on one's face. 5. impudence; boldness. 6. outward appearance. 7. outward show or pretense. 8. good reputation; dignity; prestige. 9. the amount specified in a bill or note, exclusive of interest. 10. the manifest sense or express terms, as of a document. 11. the surface: the face of the earth. 12. the side, or part of a side, upon which the use of a thing depends: the face of a playing card. 13. the most important or most frequently seen side; front. 14. the outer or upper side of a fabric; right side. 15. any of the bounding surfaces of a solid figure: a cube has six faces. 16. the front or end of a drift or excavation, where the material is being or was last mined. 17. a. the working surface of a printer's type or plate, etc. b. Also called typeface. any design of type, including a full range of characters, as letters, numbers, and marks of punctuation, in all sizes. c. Also called typeface. the general style or appearance of type: broad or narrow face. 18. either of the two outer sides that form the salient of a bastion. 19. any of the plane surfaces of a crystal. v.t. 20. to look toward or in the direction of: to face the light. 21. to have the front toward or permit a view of: The building faces the street. 22. to confront directly: to face the future. 23. to confront courageously or impudently (usu. fol. by down or out): facing down an opponent. 24. to oppose or to meet defiantly: to face fearful odds. 25. to cover or partly cover with a different material in front: They faced the wooden house with brick. 26. to finish the edge of (a garment) with facing. 27. to turn the face of (a playing card) upwards. 28. to dress or smooth the surface of (a stone or the like). v.i. 29. to turn or be turned: She faced toward the sea. 30. to be placed with the front in a certain direction: The barn faces south. 31. to turn to the right, left, or in the opposite direction: Left face! 32. face off, a. Ice Hockey. to start play, as to begin a game or period, with a face-off. b. to confront, as in a contest. 33. face up to, a. to admit. b. to meet courageously; confront. Idioms: 1. face the music, to accept the consequences of one's actions. 2. in (or out of) someone's face, Slang. annoying (or ceasing to annoy) someone: You're always in my face! 3. in the face of, a. in spite of; notwithstanding. b. when confronted with. 4. lose face, to suffer humiliation. 5. on the face of it, according to appearances; seemingly. 6. save face, to escape from humiliation. 7. show one's face, to be seen; make an appearance. 8. to one's face, in one's very presence; in direct confrontation. [1250–1300; Middle English < Anglo-French, Old French < Vulgar Latin *facia, for Latin faciēs facies] face′a•ble, adj. syn: face, countenance, visage refer to the front of the (usu. human) head. face is used when referring to physical features: a pretty face with high cheekbones. countenance, a more formal word, denotes the face as it is affected by or reveals a person's state of mind; hence, it often signifies the look or expression on the face: a thoughtful countenance. visage, still more formal, refers to the face as seen in a certain aspect, esp. as revealing a person's character: a stern visage.




  1. A beautiful face … cut as clear and sharp as a cameo —Jack London
  2. Angular face, sharp as the face of the knave in a deck —George Garrett
  3. A bulky white face like that of a Mother Superior —Frank Swinnerton
  4. The countenance is the title page which heralds the contents of the human volume, but like other title pages it sometimes puzzles, often misleads, and often says nothing to the purpose —William Matthews
  5. A desolate, cratered face, sooty with care like an abandoned mining town —Joseph Heller
  6. A dry energetic face which seemed to press forward with the spring of his prominent features, as though it were the weapon with which he cleared his way through the world —Edith Wharton
  7. Face … as broad and plain as a tin pie pan —Jean Thompson
  8. A face as creased and limited as her conversation —Hortense Calisher
  9. Face … as creased and brown as a walnut —Margaret Millar
  10. Face … bunched up like a fist —Jonathan Valin
  11. Face … changeable as an autumn sky —John O’Connor
  12. Face … clean as a china plate —Dorothy Canfield Fisher
  13. Face clear as a cloud —Arthur A. Cohen
  14. Face crumpled as if it had been left out in the rain —Lael Tucker Wertenbaker
  15. Face … doughy, like a fresh baking of bread just put out to rise —Paul J. Wellman
  16. Face … dry and immobile, like a mummy’s —Ignazio Silone
  17. Face … has the compressed appearance, as though someone had squeezed his head in a vise —Woolcott Gibbs, about Thomas Dewey 1940 campaign
  18. Face … heavy as a sack —Honoré de Balzac
  19. Face … heavy, as if little bags of sand had been painlessly sewn into various parts of it, dragging the features away from the bones —Kingsley Amis
  20. A face in many planes, as if the carver had whittled and modelled and indented to see how far he could go —Willa Cather
  21. Face is like the Milky Way in the sky —Sir John Suckling
  22. Face … its beauty fortuitous like that of a Puritan woman leaning over the washtub —Walker Percy
  23. Face lean as a hatchet —William Beechcroft
  24. Face like a pie … out of the oven too soon —William Faulkner
  25. A face like a 16-oz. boxing glove —Harry Prince
  26. Face … like a badly packed suitcase —Jimmy Sangster
  27. Face like a bad orange —Joyce Cary
  28. Face..like a beaked bird —James Joyce
  29. Face like a benediction —Miguel de Cervantes
  30. Face like a butcher’s block —Frank O’Connor
  31. Face … like a fiddle and everyone who sees him must love him —Anon Irish saying

    Carl Sandburg who had a penchant for incorporating familiar similes into his work, quoted this in his poem, New Hampshire Again.

  32. (A pale flat woman with a) face like a fillet of flounder —Helen Hudson
  33. Face like a knotty whorl in the bark of a hoary olive tree —Amos Oz
  34. Face … like a mail-order ax —William H. Gass
  35. A face like a Mediterranean Lolita —Carol Ascher
  36. Face like an anemic cat’s —Colette
  37. Face like an old purse —Mary Hedin
  38. (A little brown monkey of a man with) a face like a nut —Ruth Rendell
  39. Face like a peeled beet —Hanoch Bartov
  40. Face like a picture of a knight, like one of that Round Table bunch —O. Henry
  41. Face … like a piece of the out-of-doors come indoors: as holly-berries do —D. H. Lawrence
  42. Face … like a pillow that has been much but badly slept on —Romain Gary
  43. Face … like a predatory bird, beaked, grim-lipped —Wallace Stegner
  44. Face like a raisin cookie. Eyes set wide apart and shallow —Donald McCaig
  45. A face like a rock —Thomas Carlyle

    Carlyle thus described his publisher, Frederic Henry Hedge.

  46. Face like a sack of flour —T. Coraghessan Boyle
  47. Face like a sallow bust on a bracket in a university library —Edith Wharton
  48. Face like a shell —Ellen Gilchrist
  49. Face like a slab of corned beef —Oakley Hall
  50. Face like a small pale mask —William Faulkner
  51. Face like a sodden pie —Edgar Lee Masters
  52. A face like a very expensive cat —Josephine Tey
  53. Face like a very ripe peach —Christopher Isherwood
  54. Face like lean old glove leather —Richard Ford
  55. Face … like the cement in an old cellar, rough irregular lines lying thick and lumpy along a hard white surface —Charles Johnson
  56. Face like the soul’s awakening —P. G. Wodehouse
  57. Her big powdered face was set like an egg in a cup in the frilly high-necked blouse —John Dos Passos
  58. (He had) a face like the statue of some Victorian industrialist, heavy and firm and deeply lined, giving an impression of stern willingness —John Braine
  59. A face like Walt Disney’s idea of a grandfather —William Mcllvanney
  60. Face like warm baked clay —C. J. Koch
  61. Face looked like a white blown-out paper bag —V. S. Pritchett
  62. Face … massive as a piece of sculpture —Harvey Swados
  63. Face ravaged as the dimmest memories of the past … creased and flabby, like an old bag —Kingsley Amis
  64. Face red, swollen, like an overripe fruit —Graham Swift
  65. Face sagged, as if its fleshy sub-structure had dried up —McKinlay Kantor
  66. Faces bunched like fists —Irving Feldman
  67. Faces harder than a rock —The Holy Bible/Jeremiah
  68. Face shimmering and flat as the moon —Diane Wakoski
  69. Face … shines in the darkness like a thin moon —Erich Maria Remarque
  70. Face short and blunt as a cat’s —M. J. Farrell
  71. Faces like dark boxes of secrets and desires … locked safely, like old-fashioned caskets for the safe conduct of jewels on a voyage —Eudora Welty
  72. (Young neat unscratched boys with) faces like the bottoms of new saucers —Charles Bukowski
  73. Face like flint —The Holy Bible/Isaiah
  74. Face smooth and intent like a man listening to music —Ross Macdonald
  75. Face smooth and timeless as a portrait in a darkened gallery —T. Coraghessan Boyle
  76. Face … smooth, calculated, and precision-made, like an expensive baby doll —Ken Kesey
  77. Face … smooth like a balmy sky where there’s peace —Helga Sandburg
  78. Face … soft and withered as an apple doll —Sue Grafton
  79. Face so grimed with dirt it looked like a brown leather mask —John Dos Passos
  80. Face … so old that it looked as if the flesh had been polished away —Ellen Glasgow
  81. Face sparkles like a diamond (at mention of favorite topic-collecting) —Honoré de Balzac
  82. Faces ruddy and wrinkled like old apples —Margaret Bhatty
  83. Faces shimmered like they were coming out of water —Jayne Anne Phillips
  84. Face … strong, like Greek statuary —Sue Grafton
  85. Faces were like the faces of lions —The Holy Bible/Kings
  86. A face that looked as if it had been left out on the fire escape for over half a century —Rex Stout
  87. A face that resembled a diseased cauliflower —Miles Gibson
  88. A face that seemed sometimes as intimidating as a clenched fist —Frank Tuohy
  89. Face thin as a desert saint’s —Z. Vance Wilson
  90. Face thrust forward like a hatchet —Oakley Hall
  91. Face twitched like a snapping rubber band —James Lee Burke
  92. (The old woman’s) face was like a worn rock at which all the waves of life had smashed and beaten —Thomas Wolfe
  93. Face was very like a crow —Lewis Carroll
  94. Face … wizened as an old potato —Ignazio Silone
  95. (One day his) face would collapse, like that of a beautiful woman who suddenly abandons the pretense and concedes defeat —Harvey Swados
  96. Face … wound up like a spring —Alan Sillitoe
  97. Features … a little like a Roman emperor side-face —A. A. Milne
  98. Features … a little like a Roman emperor side-face —A. A. Milne
  99. Features … dark and indistinct, as if they’d been rubbed with a dirty eraser —Alice McDermott
  100. A flat face like an imprint in some thick, warm tar —Robie Macauley
  101. Flat white face, like a pillow with eyes —Richard Connell
  102. Front face she was shapeless like poorly impressed sealing-wax —Julia O’Faolain
  103. Her face had filled out into two little puffs of vanity on either side of her mouth, as if she were eating or were containing a yawn —V. S. Pritchett
  104. Her face had rounded with flesh that closed in about her eyes like a dough doll’s —Will Weaver
  105. Her face, pinched from the cold, made her look like a young girl in the Depression of the thirties —Penelope Gilliatt
  106. Her face was like an old brown bowl —Thomas Wolfe
  107. His countenance was like the countenance of an angel of God, very terrible —The Holy Bible/Judges
  108. His face was as … the sun —The Holy Bible/Revelation
  109. His face, with its thick crude lines … and large mouth, gave him the appearance of a slightly refined monkey —H. E. Bates
  110. His unkempt face hung like a bad smell over his dirty clothes —James Crumley
  111. Intense aquiline profile, like the prow of a boat straining forward from too close a fastening —Ruth Suckow
  112. Looked like a miniature beside a portrait in oils —Honoré de Balzac
  113. Old slightly wizened face, like minor characters in novels of whom one is told that ‘they might have been any age from 20 to 50’ —Edward Marsh
  114. A profile like a bread knife —Harvey Swados
  115. A profile like a set of keys and a nose like a bicycle seat —Joey Adams
  116. Profile … like the blade of a knife, cold and sharp —Honoré de Balzac
  117. A round coarse face like a pomegranate —Frank Swinnerton
  118. Round red face shone like freshly washed china —Katherine Mansfield
  119. A sly, pointed face with something vixen in it, the look of a child evacuee who had lost his parents and grown up too fast —Penelope Gilliatt
  120. They had long tired faces. Their yawns, snapping and unsnapping their jaws, made them look like horses —Boris Pasternak
  121. A thin face, pointed as a paper knife —Helen Hudson

    The man thus described in Hudson’s story, The Tenant, is trying to pry information out of a troubled woman. The author built upon the paper knife comparison by adding “Ready to slit her open.”

  122. Weather beaten face, like it was smoked and cured —George Garrett
  123. Wild faces like men hopped up on dope —George Garrett


Past participle: faced
Gerund: facing
I face
you face
he/she/it faces
we face
you face
they face
I faced
you faced
he/she/it faced
we faced
you faced
they faced
Present Continuous
I am facing
you are facing
he/she/it is facing
we are facing
you are facing
they are facing
Present Perfect
I have faced
you have faced
he/she/it has faced
we have faced
you have faced
they have faced
Past Continuous
I was facing
you were facing
he/she/it was facing
we were facing
you were facing
they were facing
Past Perfect
I had faced
you had faced
he/she/it had faced
we had faced
you had faced
they had faced
I will face
you will face
he/she/it will face
we will face
you will face
they will face
Future Perfect
I will have faced
you will have faced
he/she/it will have faced
we will have faced
you will have faced
they will have faced
Future Continuous
I will be facing
you will be facing
he/she/it will be facing
we will be facing
you will be facing
they will be facing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been facing
you have been facing
he/she/it has been facing
we have been facing
you have been facing
they have been facing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been facing
you will have been facing
he/she/it will have been facing
we will have been facing
you will have been facing
they will have been facing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been facing
you had been facing
he/she/it had been facing
we had been facing
you had been facing
they had been facing
I would face
you would face
he/she/it would face
we would face
you would face
they would face
Past Conditional
I would have faced
you would have faced
he/she/it would have faced
we would have faced
you would have faced
they would have faced
Noun1.face - the front of the human head from the forehead to the chin and ear to earface - the front of the human head from the forehead to the chin and ear to ear; "he washed his face"; "I wish I had seen the look on his face when he got the news"human facehuman, human being, homo, man - any living or extinct member of the family Hominidae characterized by superior intelligence, articulate speech, and erect carriageexternal body part - any body part visible externallybeard, face fungus, whiskers - the hair growing on the lower part of a man's facemouth - the externally visible part of the oral cavity on the face and the system of organs surrounding the opening; "she wiped lipstick from her mouth"eye, oculus, optic - the organ of sighteyebrow, supercilium, brow - the arch of hair above each eyefacial vein, vena facialis - any of several veins draining the facefacial, facial nerve, nervus facialis, seventh cranial nerve - cranial nerve that supplies facial muscleshead, caput - the upper part of the human body or the front part of the body in animals; contains the face and brains; "he stuck his head out the window"nose, olfactory organ - the organ of smell and entrance to the respiratory tract; the prominent part of the face of man or other mammals; "he has a cold in the nose"chin, mentum - the protruding part of the lower jawphysiognomy, visage, smiler, kisser, phiz, countenance, mug - the human face (`kisser' and `smiler' and `mug' are informal terms for `face' and `phiz' is British)feature, lineament - the characteristic parts of a person's face: eyes and nose and mouth and chin; "an expression of pleasure crossed his features"; "his lineaments were very regular"facial muscle - any of the skeletal muscles of the facebrow, forehead - the part of the face above the eyescheek - either side of the face below the eyesjowl - a fullness and looseness of the flesh of the lower cheek and jaw (characteristic of aging)jaw - the bones of the skull that frame the mouth and serve to open it; the bones that hold the teeth
2.face - the feelings expressed on a person's faceface - the feelings expressed on a person's face; "a sad expression"; "a look of triumph"; "an angry face"expression, look, facial expression, aspectcountenance, visage - the appearance conveyed by a person's face; "a pleasant countenance"; "a stern visage"leer - a suggestive or sneering look or grinsparkle, twinkle, spark, light - merriment expressed by a brightness or gleam or animation of countenance; "he had a sparkle in his eye"; "there's a perpetual twinkle in his eyes"
3.face - the general outward appearance of something; "the face of the city is changing"appearance, visual aspect - outward or visible aspect of a person or thing
4.face - the striking or working surface of an implementclub head, clubhead, club-head, golf-club head - (golf) the head of the club which strikes the ballhead - the striking part of a tool; "the head of the hammer"racquet, racket - a sports implement (usually consisting of a handle and an oval frame with a tightly interlaced network of strings) used to strike a ball (or shuttlecock) in various gamessurface - the outer boundary of an artifact or a material layer constituting or resembling such a boundary; "there is a special cleaner for these surfaces"; "the cloth had a pattern of red dots on a white surface"
5.face - a part of a person that is used to refer to a personface - a part of a person that is used to refer to a person; "he looked out at a roomful of faces"; "when he returned to work he met many new faces"individual, mortal, person, somebody, someone, soul - a human being; "there was too much for one person to do"synecdoche - substituting a more inclusive term for a less inclusive one or vice versa
6.face - a surface forming part of the outside of an object; "he examined all sides of the crystal"; "dew dripped from the face of the leaf"sidebeam-ends - (nautical) at the ends of the transverse deck beams of a vessel; "on her beam-ends" means heeled over on the side so that the deck is almost verticalbottom, underside, undersurface - the lower side of anythingforepart, front, front end - the side that is forward or prominentlee side, leeward, lee - the side of something that is sheltered from the windwindward - the side of something that is toward the windback end, backside, rear - the side of an object that is opposite its front; "his room was toward the rear of the hotel"surface - the extended two-dimensional outer boundary of a three-dimensional object; "they skimmed over the surface of the water"; "a brush small enough to clean every dental surface"; "the sun has no distinct surface"top side, upper side, upside, top - the highest or uppermost side of anything; "put your books on top of the desk"; "only the top side of the box was painted"
7.face - the part of an animal corresponding to the human faceanimal, animate being, beast, creature, fauna, brute - a living organism characterized by voluntary movementmuzzle - forward projecting part of the head of certain animals; includes the jaws and noseexternal body part - any body part visible externally
8.face - the side upon which the use of a thing depends (usually the most prominent surface of an object); "he dealt the cards face down"clock dial, clock face - the face of a clock showing hours and minutes of the daydial - the face of a timepiece; graduated to show the hoursfront - the side that is seen or that goes firstplaying card - one of a pack of cards that are used to play card gameswatch, ticker - a small portable timepiece
9.face - a contorted facial expressionface - a contorted facial expression; "she made a grimace at the prospect"grimacefacial expression, facial gesture - a gesture executed with the facial musclesmoue, pout, wry face - a disdainful grimace
10.face - a specific size and style of type within a type familyface - a specific size and style of type within a type familyfont, fount, typeface, casetype - printed characters; "small type is hard to read"type family - a complete set of type suitable for printing textunicameral script - a script with a single casebicameral script - a script having two distinct casesconstant-width font, fixed-width font, monospaced font, typewriter font - a typeface is which each character is given the same width (as by a typewriter)proportional font - any font whose different characters have different widthscartridge font, font cartridge - any font that is contained in a cartridge that can be plugged into a computer printerblack letter, Gothic - a heavy typeface in use from 15th to 18th centuriesbold, bold face, boldface - a typeface with thick heavy linesitalic - a typeface with letters slanting upward to the rightraster font, screen font - the font that is displayed on a computer screen; "when the screen font resembles a printed font a document may look approximately the same on the screen as it will when printed"Helvetica, sans serif - a typeface in which characters have no serifs
11.face - status in the eyes of othersface - status in the eyes of others; "he lost face"status, position - the relative position or standing of things or especially persons in a society; "he had the status of a minor"; "the novel attained the status of a classic"; "atheists do not enjoy a favorable position in American life"
12.face - impudent aggressiveness; "I couldn't believe her boldness"; "he had the effrontery to question my honesty"boldness, nerve, brass, cheekaggressiveness - the quality of being bold and enterprisingaudaciousness, audacity - aggressive boldness or unmitigated effrontery; "he had the audacity to question my decision"
13.face - a vertical surface of a building or cliffperpendicular - an extremely steep facevertical surface - a surface that is verticalcoalface - the part of a coal seam that is being cut
Verb1.face - deal with (something unpleasant) head on; "You must confront your problems"; "He faced the terrible consequences of his mistakes"face up, confrontconfront, face, present - present somebody with something, usually to accuse or criticize; "We confronted him with the evidence"; "He was faced with all the evidence and could no longer deny his actions"; "An enormous dilemma faces us"go about, set about, approach - begin to deal with; "approach a task"; "go about a difficult problem"; "approach a new project"tackle, undertake, take on - accept as a challenge; "I'll tackle this difficult task"
2.face - oppose, as in hostility or a competition; "You must confront your opponent"; "Jackson faced Smith in the boxing ring"; "The two enemies finally confronted each other"confrontfront, breast - confront bodily; "breast the storm"take the bull by the horns - face a difficulty and grapple with it without avoiding itencounter, take on, meet, play - contend against an opponent in a sport, game, or battle; "Princeton plays Yale this weekend"; "Charlie likes to play Mary"pit, play off, oppose, match - set into opposition or rivalry; "let them match their best athletes against ours"; "pit a chess player against the Russian champion"; "He plays his two children off against each other"bully off, face off - start a game by a face-off
3.face - be oriented in a certain direction, often with respect to another reference point; be opposite to; "The house looks north"; "My backyard look onto the pond"; "The building faces the park"front, looklie - be located or situated somewhere; occupy a certain positionface - be opposite; "the facing page"; "the two sofas face each other"confront - be face to face with; "The child screamed when he confronted the man in the Halloween costume"
4.face - be opposite; "the facing page"; "the two sofas face each other"be - occupy a certain position or area; be somewhere; "Where is my umbrella?" "The toolshed is in the back"; "What is behind this behavior?"front, face, look - be oriented in a certain direction, often with respect to another reference point; be opposite to; "The house looks north"; "My backyard look onto the pond"; "The building faces the park"
5.face - turn so as to face; turn the face in a certain direction; "Turn and face your partner now"turn - change orientation or direction, also in the abstract sense; "Turn towards me"; "The mugger turned and fled before I could see his face"; "She turned from herself and learned to listen to others' needs"face - turn so as to expose the face; "face a playing card"
6.face - present somebody with something, usually to accuse or criticize; "We confronted him with the evidence"; "He was faced with all the evidence and could no longer deny his actions"; "An enormous dilemma faces us"confront, presentface, face up, confront - deal with (something unpleasant) head on; "You must confront your problems"; "He faced the terrible consequences of his mistakes"
7.face - turn so as to expose the face; "face a playing card"face - turn so as to face; turn the face in a certain direction; "Turn and face your partner now"disclose, expose - disclose to view as by removing a cover; "The curtain rose to disclose a stunning set"
8.face - line the edge (of a garment) with a different material; "face the lapels of the jacket"line - cover the interior of; "line the gloves"; "line a chimney"face - cover the front or surface of; "The building was faced with beautiful stones"reface - put a new facing on (a garment)
9.face - cover the front or surface of; "The building was faced with beautiful stones"revet - face with a layer of stone or concrete or other supporting material so as to retain; "face an embankment"reface - provide with a new facing; "The building was refaced with beautiful stones"face - line the edge (of a garment) with a different material; "face the lapels of the jacket"cover - provide with a covering or cause to be covered; "cover her face with a handkerchief"; "cover the child with a blanket"; "cover the grave with flowers"


noun1. countenance, features, kisser (slang), profile, dial (Brit. slang), mug (slang), visage, physiognomy, lineaments, phiz or phizog (slang) She had a beautiful face.2. expression, look, air, appearance, aspect, countenance He was walking around with a sad face.3. side, front, cover, outside, surface, aspect, exterior, right side, elevation, facet, vertical surface He climbed 200 feet up the cliff face.4. dial, display The face of the clock was painted yellow.5. nature, image, character, appearance, concept, conception, make-up Players like him have changed the face of snooker.6. self-respect, respect, reputation, dignity, standing, authority, image, regard, status, honour, esteem, prestige, self-image, mana (N.Z.) They don't want a war but they don't want to lose face.7. (Informal) impudence, front, confidence, audacity, nerve, neck (informal), sauce (informal), cheek (informal), assurance, gall (informal), presumption, boldness, chutzpah (U.S. & Canad. informal), sass (U.S. & Canad. informal), effrontery, brass neck (Brit. informal), sassiness (U.S. informal) I haven't the face to borrow off him.verb1. look onto, overlook, be opposite, look out on, front onto, give towards or onto The garden faces south.2. confront, meet, encounter, deal with, oppose, tackle, cope with, experience, brave, defy, come up against, be confronted by, face off (slang) He looked relaxed and calm as he faced the press.3. (often with up to) accept, deal with, tackle, acknowledge, cope with, confront, come to terms with, meet head-on, reconcile yourself to You must face the truth that the relationship has ended.4. beset, worry, trouble, bother, distress, plague There are two main health risks that face women.face someone down intimidate, defeat, confront, subdue, disconcert He's confronted crowds before and faced them down.face to face facing, tête-à-tête, opposite, confronting, eyeball to eyeball, in confrontation, à deux (French), vis-à-vis It would have been their first face to face encounter.fly in the face of something defy, oppose, disregard, go against, flout, rebel against, disobey, act in defiance of He said that the decision flew in the face of natural justice.make or pull a face at someone scowl, frown, pout, grimace, smirk, moue (French) She made a face at him behind his back.on the face of it to all appearances, apparently, seemingly, outwardly, at first sight, at face value, to the eye On the face of it, that seems to make sense.put on a brave face appear cheerful, air, take courage, grin and bear it (informal), look cheerful, keep your chin up (informal), not show your disappointment Friends will see you are putting on a brave face.show your face turn up, come, appear, be seen, show up (informal), put in or make an appearance, approach I felt I ought to show my face at her father's funeral.to your face directly, openly, straight, in person, in your presence Her opponent called her a liar to her face.Quotations
"The face is the image of the soul" [Cicero De Oratore]
"The face is the soul of the body" [Ludwig Wittgenstein Journal]
"I think your whole life shows in your face and you should be proud of that" [Lauren Bacall]
"At 50, everyone has the face he deserves" [George Orwell last entry in notebook]
"Was this the face that launched a thousand ships"
"And burnt the topless towers of Ilium?" [Christopher Marlowe Dr. Faustus]


noun1. The front surface of the head:countenance, feature (often used in plural), muzzle, visage.Informal: mug.Slang: kisser, map, pan, puss.2. A disposition of the facial features that conveys meaning, feeling, or mood:aspect, cast, countenance, expression, look, visage.3. A facial contortion indicating displeasure, disgust, or pain:grimace, moue, mouth, pout.Informal: mug.4. An outward appearance:aspect, countenance, look, physiognomy, surface, visage.5. The level of credit or respect at which one is regarded by others:prestige, standing, status.6. The state or quality of being impudent or arrogantly self-confident:assumption, audaciousness, audacity, boldness, brashness, brazenness, cheek, cheekiness, chutzpah, discourtesy, disrespect, effrontery, familiarity, forwardness, gall, impertinence, impudence, impudency, incivility, insolence, nerve, nerviness, overconfidence, pertness, presumptuousness, pushiness, rudeness, sassiness, sauciness.Informal: brass, crust, sauce, uppishness, uppityness.7. The forward outer surface of a building:façade, front, frontage, frontal.Architecture: frontispiece.8. A deceptive outward appearance:cloak, color, coloring, cover, disguise, disguisement, façade, false colors, front, gloss, guise, mask, masquerade, pretense, pretext, semblance, show, veil, veneer, window-dressing.Slang: put-on.9. The outer layer of an object:surface, top.10. The marked outer surface of an instrument:dial.verb1. To have the face or front turned in a specific direction:front, look (on or upon).2. To confront boldly and courageously:beard, brave, challenge, dare, defy, front.Idioms: fly in the face of, snap one's fingers at, stand up to, thumb one's nose at.3. To meet face-to-face, especially defiantly:accost, confront, encounter, front.4. To come up against:confront, encounter, meet, run into.5. To furnish with a covering of a different material:clad, cover, sheathe, side, skin.


(feis) noun1. the front part of the head, from forehead to chin. a beautiful face. 面孔 面孔2. a surface especially the front surface. a rock face. 正面 正面3. in mining, the end of a tunnel etc where work is being done. a coal face. 採掘面 采掘面 verb1. to be opposite to. My house faces the park. 面對 面对2. to turn, stand etc in the direction of. She faced him across the desk. 使轉向 使转向3. to meet or accept boldly. to face one's fate. 勇敢承當 勇敢承当-faced adjective having a face of a certain kind. a baby-faced man. 具有...臉型的 具有...脸型的facial (ˈfeiʃəl) adjective of the face. facial expressions. 面部的 面部的facing preposition opposite. The hotel is facing the church. 面對著 面对着facecloth noun (American washcloth) a piece of cloth for washing the face or body. 洗臉毛巾,面巾 洗脸毛巾,面巾 ˈfacelift noun1. an operation to smooth and firm the face. She has had a facelift. 整容 整容2. a process intended to make a building etc look better. This village will be given a facelift. 翻新(建築物) 翻新ˈface-powder noun a type of make-up in the form of a fine powder. She put on face-powder to stop her nose shining. 擦臉香粉 搽脸香粉ˈface-saving adjective of something which helps a person not to look stupid or not to appear to be giving in. He agreed to everything we asked and as a face-saving exercise we offered to consult him occasionally. 保全面子的 保全面子的face value the value stated on the face of a coin etc. Some old coins are now worth a great deal more than their face value. 票面價值,面額 票面价值,表面价值 at face value as being as valuable etc as it appears. You must take this offer at face value. 表面價值,面值 表面价值face the music to accept punishment or responsibility for something one has done. The child had to face the music after being rude to the teacher. 承擔譴責,勇於承擔責任 经受谴责,勇于承担责任 face to face in person; in the actual presence of one another. I'd like to meet him face to face some day – I've heard so much about him. 面對面的 面对面的face up to to meet or accept boldly. She faced up to her difficult situation. 勇敢地對付 勇敢地对付in the face of having to deal with and in spite of. She succeeded in the face of great difficulties. 儘管 尽管lose face to suffer a loss of respect or reputation. You will really lose face if you are defeated. 丟臉 丢脸make/pull a face to twist one's face into a strange expression. She pulled faces at the baby to make it laugh. 做鬼臉 做鬼脸on the face of it as it appears at first glance, usually deceptively. On the face of it, the problem was easy. 乍看起來 乍看起来put a good face on it to give the appearance of being satisfied etc with something when one is not. Now it's done we'll have to put a good face on it. 裝出心滿意足的樣子 装出心满意足的样子save one's face to avoid appearing stupid or wrong. I refuse to accept the reponsibility for that error just to save your face – it's your fault. 保全面子 保全面子


脸zhCN, 面对zhCN


  • (as) plain as the nose on (one's) face
  • (Boy,) is my face red!
  • (one's) face doesn't fit
  • (one's) face fits
  • (one's) face is a picture
  • (one's) face is like thunder
  • a bag-of-spanners face
  • a face (that) only a mother could love
  • a face as long as a fiddle
  • a face like a bag of spanners
  • a face like thunder
  • a kick in the face
  • a long face
  • a long face, to wear/draw/pull
  • a red face
  • a slap in the face
  • a smack in the face
  • a straight face
  • a volte-face
  • about face, to do an
  • about-face
  • all over (one's) face
  • an about-face
  • at face value
  • at face value, take
  • at the chalkface
  • at the coalface
  • bacon-faced
  • Bag it!
  • bag your face
  • Bag your face!
  • bald-faced liar
  • bald-faced lie
  • barefaced liar
  • barefaced lie
  • barefaced lie/liar
  • be as plain as the nose on (one's) face
  • be in (one's) face
  • be in your face
  • be just a pretty face
  • be just another pretty face
  • be laughing on the other side of (one's) face
  • be laughing on the other side of your face
  • be looking (one) in the face
  • be not just a pretty face
  • be not just another pretty face
  • be out of (one's) face
  • be red in the face
  • be staring (one) in the face
  • be staring (something) in the face
  • be staring someone in the face
  • be staring something in the face
  • be taken at face value
  • be written all over (one's) face
  • be written all over somebody's face
  • be written all over your face
  • big face
  • blank look on (one's) face
  • blow up
  • blow up in (one's) face
  • blow up in face
  • blow up in somebody's face
  • blow up in your face
  • blue in the face
  • blue in the face, to be/until one is
  • bold-faced liar
  • bold-faced lie
  • brave face, put on a
  • butter face
  • butterface
  • can't see (one's) hand in front of (one's) face
  • can't see hand in front of face
  • chew face
  • come face to face with (someone or something)
  • come face to face with someone
  • come face to face with something
  • crater face
  • crater-face
  • cut (one's) nose off to spite (one's) face
  • cut nose off to spite face
  • cut off (one's) nose to spite (one's) face
  • cut off nose to spite face
  • cut off one's nose to spite one's face
  • cut off one's nose to spite one's face, to
  • cut off your nose to spite your face
  • disappear off the face of the earth
  • disappear/vanish off the face of the earth
  • do an about-face
  • do something until you are blue in the face
  • dogface
  • don't cut off your nose to spite your face
  • duck face
  • eat face
  • egg on (one's) face
  • egg on face
  • egg on one's face, have
  • egg on one's face, to have/wipe off the
  • egg on your face
  • face (that) would stop a clock
  • face (the) facts
  • face away
  • face card
  • face down
  • face facts
  • face falls
  • face forward
  • face fungus
  • face head-on
  • face into
  • face into (something)
  • face it
  • face man
  • face off
  • face on
  • face on(to) (something)
  • face only a mother could love
  • face out
  • face that launched a thousand ships, the
  • face the consequences
  • face the music
  • face the music, to
  • face time
  • face to face
  • face to face with (someone or something)
  • face up
  • face up to
  • face up to (something)
  • face up/down
  • face value
  • face with
  • face with (someone or something)
  • faced
  • face-off
  • face-to-face
  • fall (flat) on (one's)/its face
  • fall flat on your face
  • fall on face
  • fall on one's face
  • feed (one's) face
  • feed face
  • feed one’s face
  • feed one's face
  • fill (one's) face
  • fill face
  • fill one’s face
  • fling (something) up in (one's) face
  • fling up in face
  • fly in the face of
  • fly in the face of something
  • fly in the face of sth
  • fly in the face of, to
  • fly into the face of danger
  • fresh-faced
  • frog face
  • from the face of the earth
  • fungus-face
  • fuzz-face
  • game face
  • get face
  • get in (one's) face
  • get in somebody's face
  • get in someone’s face
  • get in someone's face
  • get out of (one's) face
  • get out of face
  • get out of my face
  • Get out of my face!
  • get out of one's face
  • get out of someone's face
  • give (someone) a red face
  • give (someone) face
  • give a red face
  • go soak your face
  • have a face like a wet weekend
  • have a face like thunder
  • have egg on (one's) face
  • have egg on face
  • have egg on one’s face
  • have got egg on (one's) face
  • have the (brass) face to (do something)
  • have the face to
  • hide (one's) face
  • hide (one's) face in shame
  • hide face in shame
  • hide one's face
  • his, her, etc. face is like thunder
  • I'd rather face a firing squad than (do something)
  • I'd rather face a firing squad than do
  • in (one's) face
  • in face
  • in someone’s face
  • in someone's face
  • in the face
  • in the face of
  • in the face of (something)
  • in the face of something
  • in the teeth of (something)
  • in your face
  • in-your-face
  • Is my face red!
  • it's written all over (one's) face
  • It's written all over face
  • just another pretty face
  • keep a straight face
  • keep a straight face, to
  • laugh in (one's) face
  • laugh in face
  • laugh in somebody's face
  • laugh in someone's face
  • laugh on the other side of (one's) face
  • laugh on the other side of your face
  • laugh out (of) the other side of (one's) face
  • laugh out (of) the other side of (one's) mouth
  • laugh out of the other side of face and laugh out of the other ...
  • laugh out of the other side of one's mouth
  • laugh out of the other side of your face/mouth, you'll/to
  • let's face (the) facts
  • let's face it
  • like the back of a bus
  • long face
  • look (one) in the eye(s)
  • look (one) in the face
  • look in the face
  • look somebody in the eye/face
  • look someone in the face
  • look/stare you in the face
  • lose face
  • lose face, to
  • loss of face
  • mace (one's) face
  • mace someone’s face
  • make a face
  • make a face (at someone)
  • make faces
  • make faces (at someone)
  • mess (one's) face up
  • mess face up
  • mess someone’s face up
  • Monday's child is fair of face
  • not have the face
  • not have the face (to do something)
  • not just a pretty face
  • not show (one's) face
  • not show face
  • off (one's) face
  • off the face of the earth
  • off your face
  • on the face of it
  • on the face of the earth
  • one hand washes the other (and both wash the face)
  • out of (one's) face
  • pizza face
  • pizza-face
  • plain as day
  • plain as day/the nose on your face
  • play kissy-face
  • play kissy-face (with someone)
  • po-faced
  • poker face
  • poker face, a
  • powder (one's) face
  • powder nose
  • powder one’s face
  • powder one’s nose
  • pretty face, more than a/not just a
  • pull a face (at someone)
  • pull faces (at someone)
  • pull/make faces/a face
  • put (one's) face on
  • put a brave face on (something)
  • put a brave face on something
  • put a good face on
  • put a good/bold face on something, to
  • put a smile on (one's) face
  • put a smile on face
  • put a smile on someone’s face
  • put face on
  • put on (one's) face
  • put on a brave face
  • put one's face on
  • rack face
  • rearrange (one's) face
  • rearrange someone's face
  • red in the face
  • red in the face, be
  • red-face test
  • red-faced
  • register on (one's) face
  • save (one's) face
  • save face
  • save face, to
  • save someone's face
  • say (something) to (one's) face
  • say to face
  • screw up (one's) face
  • set (one's) face against (something)
  • set in
  • set in a type face
  • set one's face against
  • set your face against
  • set your face against something
  • shoot off (one's) face
  • show (one's) face
  • show face
  • show one's face
  • show one's face, to
  • show your face
  • shut the door in (someone's) face
  • Shut your cake hole!
  • shut your face!
  • shut your mouth/trap/face/gob!
  • slam the door in (one's) face
  • slam the door in face
  • slap in the face
  • smack in the face
  • smash (one's) face in
  • smash (one's) head in
  • smash face in
  • smash in (one's) face
  • smash somebody's face/head in
  • soak face
  • soak one’s face
  • someone's face fits
  • stand (there) with (one's) bare face hanging out
  • stand there with bare face hanging out
  • stand there with one’s bare face hanging out
  • stare (someone or something) in the face
  • stare in the face
  • stare something in the face
  • straight face
  • straight-faced
  • stuff (one's) face
  • stuff face
  • stuff one’s face
  • stuff your face
  • suck face
  • take (someone or something) at face value
  • take at face value
  • take at face value, to
  • take somebody/something at face value
  • talk someone's arm off
  • talk till (one) is blue in the face
  • talk till (one's) face is blue
  • talk to the hand
  • talk until (one) is blue in the face
  • talk until (one's) face is blue
  • talk until one is blue in the face
  • tell (one) to (one's) face
  • tell one to face
  • the acceptable face of
  • the acceptable face of (something)
  • the acceptable face of something
  • throw (something) back in (one's) face
  • throw (something) back in(to) (one's) face
  • throw (something) in (one's) face
  • throw dust in (one's) face
  • throw in face
  • throw in someone's face
  • throw something back in someone's face
  • till (one) (is) blue in the face
  • till you're blue in the face
  • to (one's) face
  • to face
  • to one's face
  • to somebody's face
  • to someone's face
  • turd face
  • turn (one's) face to the wall
  • two-faced
  • until (one) is blue in the face
  • until you are blue in the face
  • volte-face
  • wash its face
  • what’s his face
  • what's his face
  • what's his/her face
  • wipe (someone or something) off the face of the earth
  • wipe off the face of the earth
  • wipe off the map
  • wipe something off the face of the earth
  • wipe the smile off (one's) face
  • wipe the smile off someone's face
  • wipe the/that grin off (one's) face
  • wipe the/that smile, grin, etc. off your/somebody's face
  • with (one's) bare face hanging out
  • with egg on (one's) face
  • with egg on your face
  • wouldn't know (something) if it hit (one) in the face
  • written all over (one's) face
  • written all over your face
  • your face falls
  • your/somebody's face doesn't fit
  • zit face
  • zit-face
See face



1. Mountaineering a steep side of a mountain, bounded by ridges 2. Nautical aeronautics the aft or near side of a propeller blade


The front facade of a building or the finished surface of an exposed member.


(religion, spiritualism, and occult)

Face is a term that refers to the division of the zodiac into 72 equal arcs of 5° each. Some astrologers have used the appellation interchangeably with decan, which divides the zodiac into 36 equal arcs of 10° each. Contemporary astrologers rarely employ the term.



(1) The working area during the mining of minerals: in mine shafts and pits, the surface that limits the mining area and shifts as the mining progresses; in quarries, the immediate area being worked by the excavator. Lateral (end) and frontal faces are distinguished in opencut mining.

(2) During the drilling of a hole or well, the face is the bottom of a hole, the surface of which is pulverized by the drilling tool during the sinking process.



in printing, the top of the raised portion of either a piece of type or of the printing elements of a type plate. It is a mirror image of a letter or symbol; in a general sense, it is the image of any character of a form of type on paper.

What does it mean when you dream about a face?

If we see our own face in a dream, it can represent concerns about our self-image and how others see us. The dream also could be drawing on associations with common idioms, such as “to lose face,” “face the facts,” “face the music,” “poker face,” and “face value.”


[fās] (anatomy) The anterior portion of the head, including the forehead and jaws. (civil engineering) The surface of the area that has been excavated in constructing a tunnel. In building construction, the exposed surface of a wall, masonry unit, or sheet of material. To install a surface layer of one material over another, such as laying brick on a wall built of concrete blocks. (crystallography) crystal face (design engineering) The surface of a flange on a pipe that is fitted against another flange. (electronics) faceplate (geology) The main surface of a landform. The original surface of a layer of rock. (graphic arts) A particular style or size of letter as distinguished from another style or size. Also known as typeface. The printing surface of a printing plate or the front surface of a piece of paper. (materials) The veneer on the exposed surface of a sheet of plywood. (mathematics) One of the plane polygons bounding a polyhedron. A face of a simplex is the subset obtained by setting one or more of the coordinates ai , defining the simplex, equal to 0; for example, the faces of a triangle are its sides and vertices. The face of a half space is the plane that bounds it. One of the regions bounded by edges of a planar graph. (mining engineering) A surface on which mining operations are being performed. Also known as breast. (textiles) The side of a fabric which is more attractive than the other side because of features such as weave, luster, or finish.


1. The exposed surface of a wall, masonry unit, or sheet of material. 2. The surface of a unit designed to be exposed, as in finished masonry, or plywood having one side which is finished. 3. The broad surface of a board, timber, or panel. 4. The exposed vertical surface of an arch. 5. The striking surface of a hammer. 6. During a construction operation in a tunnel, the surface being excavated. 7. To install a surface layer of one material on another, as to face a concrete block wall with brick.


facei. The surface of the propeller that strikes the air as the propeller rotates. The face of the propeller “faces” the pilot in single-engine airplanes. It corresponds to the bottom of an aircraft wing. Also known as a pressure face.
ii. The open end of a duct ready to be joined to the next duct.
iii. In imagery, the emulsion side of a negative or layout plate or the printing surface of a plate.


Lovewit’s house servant; connives to make profit by alchemy. [Br. Lit.: The Alchemist]See: Butler


cunning butler, sets up scam in master’s absence. [Br. Lit.: The Alchemist]See: Humbuggery


(dreams)It is very common to dream about all kinds of faces. Strange faces and familiar faces alike are frequent images in our dreams. Interpret your dream by considering the face and the general content of the dream. A stranger’s face could represent different parts of your personality or psyche. You think that you are seeing a stranger but in actuality you are seeing a different part of yourself. Jung said that the stranger is a part of you that comes from the unconscious. A comic face may indicate that you have a conscious or unconscious need to mock or snub the conventional. Featureless faces suggest that you may feel unnoticed and unappreciated. On the other hand, some believe that the blank or unclear face represents a teacher. That is, someone who is there to show and teach you a lesson, but you are unprepared for it and so the face is blank. Smiling faces are representative of happy thoughts and feelings and possibly anticipation of a joyful event in the near future. Always remember the compensatory nature of dreams and their ability to point to the opposite of what you experience in daily life.



 [fās] 1. the anterior, or ventral, aspect of the head from the forehead to the chin, inclusive.2. any presenting aspect or surface. adj., adj fa´cial.face lift popular name for rhytidectomy.moon face the peculiar rounded face seen in various conditions, such as in Cushing's syndrome, or after administration of adrenal corticoids.


(fās), [TA] 1. The front portion of the head; the visage, including eyes, nose, mouth, forehead, cheeks, and chin; excludes ears. Synonym(s): facies (1) [TA]2. Synonym(s): surface


(fās)n.1. The surface of the front of the head from the top of the forehead to the base of the chin and from ear to ear.2. A contorted facial expression.3. Facies.
(1) The frontal portion of the head, which includes the mouth, nose, eyes, forehead, cheeks, and chin
(2) The exposed surface of a structure


Facies Medtalk 1. The frontal portion of the head, which includes mouth, nose, eyes, forehead, cheeks, chin.2. The exposed surface of a structure. See Battered prize fighter face, Bird face, Chipmunk face, Cow face, Dishface face, Dogface face, Doll face, Elfin face, Fat face, Flat face, Fish face, Frog face, Gargoyle face, Hatchet face, Heart-shaped face, Hippocratic face, Mask-like face, Mitral face, Monkey face, Moon face, Orphan Annie face, Peter Pan face, Porcelain doll face, Sagging face, Shrewmouse face, Triangular face.


(fās) 1. The front portion of the head; the visage including the eyes, nose, mouth, forehead, cheeks, and chin, but not the ears.
Synonym(s): facies (1) [TA] .
2. Synonym(s): surface.


(fās) [Fr. face fr. L. facies, form, figure, face] MUSCLES OF FACE AND SCALP1. The front part of the head from the forehead to the chin, extending laterally to but not including the ears. See: illustration


There are 14 bones in the face. The blood supply is bilateral from the facial, maxillary, and superficial temporal branches of the external carotid artery and the ophthalmic branch of the internal carotid artery. The veins include the external and internal jugular veins.

2. The visage or countenance.

moon face

A full, round face seen in Cushing's syndrome or, more often, as a side effect of corticosteroid therapy.


(fās) 1. [TA] Surface between two lateral surfaces that converge to form a cutting edge; portion of dental instrument working-end opposite its back. On sickle scales and curettes, face is bounded by cutting edges. 2. Front portion of head; visage, including eyes, nose, mouth, forehead, cheeks, and chin; excludes ears.
Synonym(s): facies (1) [TA] .
3. Synonym(s): surface.

Patient discussion about face

Q. Can scabies be on the face? About a week ago, several bumps, red and itchy, appeared on my face. I have had scabies on other parts of my body and although it feels quite similar, it doesn’t really look the same. Can it be scabies? Is it other thing?A. If you indeed have scabies on your face, it may come from two sources: either from your scalp, where it hides when you treat the rest of your body, or your pillow. First you should be sure it's scabies (have you seen a doctor?) If it's scabies, try to wash all your pillows and change them, and then treat your face.

Q. Is there any way you can lose weight on your face? I am a male and I got chubby cheeks like girls and I don’t like it...is there any way you can lose weight on your face?A. Hi Christopher, I’m not sure if there is, but you should like your face just the way it is, try some make-up and see how it goes, or rub your cheeks in a circular motion with your hands for about 45 seconds a day. Chubby cheeks can also come from liver problems, water retention from a high salt diet, excessive toxic buildup in the body, and of course poor choices in diet. Try exercise, facial massages, ice packs can help, or natural diuretic herbs like dandilion root extract.

Q. how i can have afat face? after loosing weight my face has lost weight and is thin how can i treat it? A. You want to make your face look fuller? Except for the obvious (although not the most recommended...) way to gain wait, you can use make-up,
You can try to draw attention to the center of your face: use some blush on your chick's apples, a little on your chin and add a little touch to the end of your nose. It'll shorten your face.
You can also see the tips in this movie (http://www.expertvillage.com/video/14409_lips-full-makeup.htm there are other movies in this site).

More discussions about face


Related to Face: face off, MP3


The external appearance or surface of anything; that which is readily observable by a spectator. The words contained in a document in their plain or obvious meaning without regard to external evidence or facts.

The term is applied most frequently in business law to mean the apparent meaning of a contract, paper, bill, bond, record, or other such legal document. A document might appear to be valid on its face, but circumstances may modify or explain it, and its meaning or validity can be altered.


FACEFamily and Community Engagement (various organizations)
FACEFree Air CO2 Enrichment
FACEFondation Agir contre l'Exclusion (French: Foundation for Action against Exclusion)
FACEFederal Agency for Civic Education (Germany)
FACEFatality Assessment and Control Evaluation
FACEFormer and Current Employees
FACEFreedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act
FACEFoundation for American Christian Education
FACEFrench American Cultural Exchange
FACEFaith Action for Community Equity (Hawaii)
FACEFamily And Consumer Education
FACEFight Against Child Exploitation
FACEFederation of Associations for Hunting and Conservation of the EU (European Union; est. 1977)
FACEFair and Clean Elections
FACEFluorophore-Assisted Carbohydrate Electrophoresis
FACEFederación de Asociaciones de Celiacos de España (Spanish)
FACEFamily and Child Education (Bureau of Indian Affairs Office of Indian Education Programs)
FACEFree Air Concentration Enrichment
FACEFaruk's Animated CSS Enhancements
FACEFriends of Active Copyright Education
FACEForum for the Advancement of Continuing Education
FACEForum for Access and Continuing Education (UK)
FACEFamilies Adopting Children Everywhere
FACEFellow of the Australian College of Education
FACEFlorida Autism Center of Excellence (Tampa, Florida)
FACEForests Absorbing Carbon-Dioxide Emission
FACEFine Arts Core Education (Canadian high school)
FACEFlorida Association of Code Enforcement
FACEFuture Airborne Capability Environment (Open Group)
FACEFellow, American College of Endocrinology
FACEFoundation for the Advancement of Chiropractic Education
FACEFederation of Aluminium Consumers in Europe
FACEFaçade, Aluminium, Couverture, Étanchéité (French: Facade, Aluminium, Roofing, Waterproofing)
FACEFácil Adicción al Chisme y el Entretenimiento (Spanish: Easy Addiction, Gossip and Entertainment)
FACEFederal Acquisition Conference and Exposition
FACEForward Aviation Combat Engineering
FACEFamilies Advancing Craniofacial Excellence
FACEFathers' and Children's Equality, Inc.
FACEField Artillery Computing Equipment
FACEFinchfield and Castlecroft Enterprise
FACEFuture Abilities Creative Employment
FACEFlorida Association for Computers in Education, Inc.
FACEFight Against Corruption Everywhere
FACEFaculty of Automatics and Computer Engineering
FACEFacilities And Communication Evaluation
FACEFellow of American College of Epidemiology (established in 1979)
FACEFoundation Against Companion Euthanasia (animal spay-neuter clinic)
FACEFast, Accurate, Cost-effective, Easy
FACEFundacion para el Adelanto Comunitario Ecumenico (Ecuador)
FACEFramed Access Communications Environment (AT&T)
FACEFire and Auto Claims Efficiency (insurance)
FACEFighter Aircraft Communications Enhancement (Air Force)
FACEFoundation Active in Community Enrichment
FACEFire - Achieving Claims Excellence (insurance)
FACEFiber Access Covering Everyone
FACEFighter Air C2 Enhancement
FACEFat Albert Can Eat (mnemonic for Bass Clef space note names)
FACEFuels for Advanced Combustion Engines Group (Coordinating Research Council)


Related to face: face off, MP3
  • all
  • noun
  • verb
  • phrase

Synonyms for face

noun countenance


  • countenance
  • features
  • kisser
  • profile
  • dial
  • mug
  • visage
  • physiognomy
  • lineaments
  • phiz or phizog

noun expression


  • expression
  • look
  • air
  • appearance
  • aspect
  • countenance

noun side


  • side
  • front
  • cover
  • outside
  • surface
  • aspect
  • exterior
  • right side
  • elevation
  • facet
  • vertical surface

noun dial


  • dial
  • display

noun nature


  • nature
  • image
  • character
  • appearance
  • concept
  • conception
  • make-up

noun self-respect


  • self-respect
  • respect
  • reputation
  • dignity
  • standing
  • authority
  • image
  • regard
  • status
  • honour
  • esteem
  • prestige
  • self-image
  • mana

noun impudence


  • impudence
  • front
  • confidence
  • audacity
  • nerve
  • neck
  • sauce
  • cheek
  • assurance
  • gall
  • presumption
  • boldness
  • chutzpah
  • sass
  • effrontery
  • brass neck
  • sassiness

verb look onto


  • look onto
  • overlook
  • be opposite
  • look out on
  • front onto
  • give towards or onto

verb confront


  • confront
  • meet
  • encounter
  • deal with
  • oppose
  • tackle
  • cope with
  • experience
  • brave
  • defy
  • come up against
  • be confronted by
  • face off

verb accept


  • accept
  • deal with
  • tackle
  • acknowledge
  • cope with
  • confront
  • come to terms with
  • meet head-on
  • reconcile yourself to

verb beset


  • beset
  • worry
  • trouble
  • bother
  • distress
  • plague

phrase face someone down


  • intimidate
  • defeat
  • confront
  • subdue
  • disconcert

phrase face to face


  • facing
  • tête-à-tête
  • opposite
  • confronting
  • eyeball to eyeball
  • in confrontation
  • à deux
  • vis-à-vis

phrase fly in the face of something


  • defy
  • oppose
  • disregard
  • go against
  • flout
  • rebel against
  • disobey
  • act in defiance of

phrase make or pull a face at someone


  • scowl
  • frown
  • pout
  • grimace
  • smirk
  • moue

phrase on the face of it


  • to all appearances
  • apparently
  • seemingly
  • outwardly
  • at first sight
  • at face value
  • to the eye

phrase put on a brave face


  • appear cheerful
  • air
  • take courage
  • grin and bear it
  • look cheerful
  • keep your chin up
  • not show your disappointment

phrase show your face


  • turn up
  • come
  • appear
  • be seen
  • show up
  • put in or make an appearance
  • approach

phrase to your face


  • directly
  • openly
  • straight
  • in person
  • in your presence

Synonyms for face

noun the front surface of the head


  • countenance
  • feature
  • muzzle
  • visage
  • mug
  • kisser
  • map
  • pan
  • puss

noun a disposition of the facial features that conveys meaning, feeling, or mood


  • aspect
  • cast
  • countenance
  • expression
  • look
  • visage

noun a facial contortion indicating displeasure, disgust, or pain


  • grimace
  • moue
  • mouth
  • pout
  • mug

noun an outward appearance


  • aspect
  • countenance
  • look
  • physiognomy
  • surface
  • visage

noun the level of credit or respect at which one is regarded by others


  • prestige
  • standing
  • status

noun the state or quality of being impudent or arrogantly self-confident


  • assumption
  • audaciousness
  • audacity
  • boldness
  • brashness
  • brazenness
  • cheek
  • cheekiness
  • chutzpah
  • discourtesy
  • disrespect
  • effrontery
  • familiarity
  • forwardness
  • gall
  • impertinence
  • impudence
  • impudency
  • incivility
  • insolence
  • nerve
  • nerviness
  • overconfidence
  • pertness
  • presumptuousness
  • pushiness
  • rudeness
  • sassiness
  • sauciness
  • brass
  • crust
  • sauce
  • uppishness
  • uppityness

noun the forward outer surface of a building


  • façade
  • front
  • frontage
  • frontal
  • frontispiece

noun a deceptive outward appearance


  • cloak
  • color
  • coloring
  • cover
  • disguise
  • disguisement
  • façade
  • false colors
  • front
  • gloss
  • guise
  • mask
  • masquerade
  • pretense
  • pretext
  • semblance
  • show
  • veil
  • veneer
  • window-dressing
  • put-on

noun the outer layer of an object


  • surface
  • top

noun the marked outer surface of an instrument


  • dial

verb to have the face or front turned in a specific direction


  • front
  • look

verb to confront boldly and courageously


  • beard
  • brave
  • challenge
  • dare
  • defy
  • front

verb to meet face-to-face, especially defiantly


  • accost
  • confront
  • encounter
  • front

verb to come up against


  • confront
  • encounter
  • meet
  • run into

verb to furnish with a covering of a different material


  • clad
  • cover
  • sheathe
  • side
  • skin

Synonyms for face

noun the front of the human head from the forehead to the chin and ear to ear


  • human face

Related Words

  • human
  • human being
  • homo
  • man
  • external body part
  • beard
  • face fungus
  • whiskers
  • mouth
  • eye
  • oculus
  • optic
  • eyebrow
  • supercilium
  • brow
  • facial vein
  • vena facialis
  • facial
  • facial nerve
  • nervus facialis
  • seventh cranial nerve
  • head
  • caput
  • nose
  • olfactory organ
  • chin
  • mentum
  • physiognomy
  • visage
  • smiler
  • kisser
  • phiz
  • countenance
  • mug
  • feature
  • lineament
  • facial muscle
  • forehead
  • cheek
  • jowl
  • jaw

noun the feelings expressed on a person's face


  • expression
  • look
  • facial expression
  • aspect

Related Words

  • countenance
  • visage
  • leer
  • sparkle
  • twinkle
  • spark
  • light

noun the general outward appearance of something

Related Words

  • appearance
  • visual aspect

noun the striking or working surface of an implement

Related Words

  • club head
  • clubhead
  • club-head
  • golf-club head
  • head
  • racquet
  • racket
  • surface

noun a part of a person that is used to refer to a person

Related Words

  • individual
  • mortal
  • person
  • somebody
  • someone
  • soul
  • synecdoche

noun a surface forming part of the outside of an object


  • side

Related Words

  • beam-ends
  • bottom
  • underside
  • undersurface
  • forepart
  • front
  • front end
  • lee side
  • leeward
  • lee
  • windward
  • back end
  • backside
  • rear
  • surface
  • top side
  • upper side
  • upside
  • top

noun the part of an animal corresponding to the human face

Related Words

  • animal
  • animate being
  • beast
  • creature
  • fauna
  • brute
  • muzzle
  • external body part

noun the side upon which the use of a thing depends (usually the most prominent surface of an object)

Related Words

  • clock dial
  • clock face
  • dial
  • front
  • playing card
  • watch
  • ticker

noun a contorted facial expression


  • grimace

Related Words

  • facial expression
  • facial gesture
  • moue
  • pout
  • wry face

noun a specific size and style of type within a type family


  • font
  • fount
  • typeface
  • case

Related Words

  • type
  • type family
  • unicameral script
  • bicameral script
  • constant-width font
  • fixed-width font
  • monospaced font
  • typewriter font
  • proportional font
  • cartridge font
  • font cartridge
  • black letter
  • Gothic
  • bold
  • bold face
  • boldface
  • italic
  • raster font
  • screen font
  • Helvetica
  • sans serif

noun status in the eyes of others

Related Words

  • status
  • position

noun impudent aggressiveness


  • boldness
  • nerve
  • brass
  • cheek

Related Words

  • aggressiveness
  • audaciousness
  • audacity

noun a vertical surface of a building or cliff

Related Words

  • perpendicular
  • vertical surface
  • coalface

verb deal with (something unpleasant) head on


  • face up
  • confront

Related Words

  • confront
  • face
  • present
  • go about
  • set about
  • approach
  • tackle
  • undertake
  • take on

verb oppose, as in hostility or a competition


  • confront

Related Words

  • front
  • breast
  • take the bull by the horns
  • encounter
  • take on
  • meet
  • play
  • pit
  • play off
  • oppose
  • match
  • bully off
  • face off

verb be oriented in a certain direction, often with respect to another reference point


  • front
  • look

Related Words

  • lie
  • face
  • confront

verb be opposite

Related Words

  • be
  • front
  • face
  • look

verb turn so as to face

Related Words

  • turn
  • face

verb present somebody with something, usually to accuse or criticize


  • confront
  • present

Related Words

  • face
  • face up
  • confront

verb turn so as to expose the face

Related Words

  • face
  • disclose
  • expose

verb line the edge (of a garment) with a different material

Related Words

  • line
  • face
  • reface

verb cover the front or surface of

Related Words

  • revet
  • reface
  • face
  • cover




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