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coronary [kor´ah-nar-e] encircling in the manner of a crown; said of anatomical structures such as vessels, ligaments, or nerves.coronary arteries two large arteries that branch from the ascending aorta and supply all of the heart muscle with blood (see also table of arteries). A view of the coronary arterial system. The arteries serving the posterior aspect of the myocardium are shown here in a lighter shade.coronary artery disease (CAD) atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries, which may cause angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, and sudden death. Both genetically determined and avoidable risk factors contribute to the disease; they include hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, smoking, diabetes mellitus, and low levels of high density lipoproteins (HDL).coronary heart disease (CHD) ischemic heart disease.coronary occlusion the occlusion, or closing off, of a coronary artery, usually caused by a narrowing of the lumen of the blood vessels by the plaques of atherosclerosis. Sometimes a plaque may rupture and release vasoactive or thrombogenic substances that lead to clot formation. If there is adequate collateral circulation to the heart muscle at the time of the occlusion, there may be little or no damage to the myocardial cells. When occlusion is complete, however, with no blood being supplied to an area of the myocardium, myocardial infarction results.cor·o·nar·y ar·te·ries (kōr'ŏ-nār-ē ahr'tĕr-ēz) A pair of arteries that branch from the aorta and supply blood to the myocardium. 1) Right coronary artery: origin, right aortic sinus; distribution, it passes around the right side of the heart in the coronary sulcus, giving branches to the right atrium and ventricle, including the atrioventricular branches and the posterior interventricular branch. 2) Left coronary artery: origin, left aortic sinus; distribution, divides into two major branches, anterior interventricular, which descends in anterior interventricular sulcus, and circumflex branch which passes to the diaphragmatic surface of left ventricle; it gives atrial, ventricular, and atrioventricular branches.coronary arteries Two important branches of the AORTA that supply the heart muscle with blood. The left coronary artery divides almost at once into two main trunks, so it is common for surgeons to refer to the three coronary arteries. Smaller branches of the coronary arteries spread over the surface of the heart and send twigs into the heart muscle. Obstruction of a coronary artery branch, by ATHEROSCLEROSIS and subsequent THROMBOSIS, is commoner than blockage of one of the main trunks. Such obstruction causes a heart attack by depriving a part of the heart muscle of its blood supply to cause local death of muscle tissue (myocardial infarction).Coronary arteriesThe two main arteries that provide blood to the heart. The coronary arteries surround the heart like a crown, coming out of the aorta, arching down over the top of the heart, and dividing into two branches. These are the arteries where coronary artery disease occurs.Mentioned in: Atherectomy, Coronary Artery Disease, Heart Attack, Heart Failure, Stress TestPatient discussion about Coronary arteriesQ. my mother have stem replacement for a coronary artery oclusion is already 2 years she physically deteriorating since surgery why???? please help she does not have energyA. I agree with Dagmar. It can be most likely caused by another occlusion or re-occlusion inside the heart blood vessels. Since that is a life-threatening case, I strongly suggest you to bring your mother into a hospital (for complete check up), or just call your cardiologist to have first treatment. Meanwhile, that will be better if you have emergency oxygen (just in case you'll need it) with you.
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