释义 |
com-(word root) with, together, in associationExamples of words with the root com-: combinecom- or col- or con- or cor-pref. Together; with; joint; jointly: commingle. [Middle English, from Latin, from Old Latin com; see kom in Indo-European roots.]com- or con-prefixtogether; with; jointly: commingle. [from Latin com-; related to cum with. In compound words of Latin origin, com- becomes col- and cor- before l and r, co- before gn, h, and most vowels, and con- before consonants other than b, p, and m. Although its sense in compounds of Latin derivation is often obscured, it means: together, with, etc (combine, compile); similar (conform); extremely, completely (consecrate)]COM (kɒm) n. Comedy Central (a cable television channel). com- , a prefix occurring in loanwords from Latin, where it and its variants meant “with,” “together with,” and denoted joint or simultaneous action ( colloquy; confer; convene), partnership ( colleague), union ( coitus; colleat; combine), or enclosure (content), or marked the completed nature of the action of a verb (conclude; confection); com- is used before b, p, m (combine; compare; commingle). For variants before other sounds, see co-, col-1, con-, cor-. [< Latin cum with] Com. 1. Commander. 2. Commission. 3. Commissioner. 4. Committee. 5. Commodore. 6. Commonwealth. com. 1. comedy. 2. comma. 3. command. 4. commander. 5. commerce. 6. commercial. 7. commission. 8. commissioner. 9. committee. 10. common. 11. commonly. 12. communications. EncyclopediaSeeCOMcom-enUK
con- (kon), With, together, in association; appears as com- before p, b, or m, as col- before l, and as co- before a vowel; corresponds to G. syn-. [L. cum, with, together] con- Prefix meaning with, together, in association; appears as com- before p, b, or m; as col- before l; and as co- before a vowel; corresponds to G. syn-. [L. cum, with, together]co-, con- or com- prefix denoting with, together. CO2 acceptor a molecule (ribulose diphosphate) whose function is to combine with carbon dioxide in the CALVIN CYCLE.COM-
Acronym | Definition |
COM-➣With, Together (Prefix) |