callosomarginal fissure

cin·gu·late sul·cus

[TA] a fissure on the medial surface of the cerebral hemisphere, bounding the upper surface of the cingulate gyrus (callosal convolution); the anterior portion is called the pars subfrontalis; the posterior portion that curves up to the superomedial margin of the hemisphere and borders the paracentral lobule posteriorly is the ramus marginalis. Synonym(s): sulcus cinguli [TA], callosomarginal fissure, callosomarginal sulcus, sulcus callosomarginalis, sulcus of cingulum

callosomarginal fissure

A conspicuous fissure in the medial surface of the cerebral hemisphere running above and concentric with the curved upper surface of the corpus callosum.See also: fissure