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fan·ta·sy F0033300 (făn′tə-sē, -zē)n. pl. fan·ta·sies 1. The creative imagination; unrestrained fancy.2. Something, such as an invention, that is a creation of the fancy.3. A capricious or fantastic idea; a conceit.4. a. A genre of fiction or other artistic work characterized by fanciful or supernatural elements.b. A work of this genre.5. An imagined event or sequence of mental images, such as a daydream, usually fulfilling a wish or psychological need.6. An unrealistic or improbable supposition.7. Music See fantasia.8. A coin issued especially by a questionable authority and not intended for use as currency.9. Obsolete A hallucination.adj. Relating to or being a game in which participants act as owners of imaginary sports teams whose personnel consists of actual players selected from a professional sports league and team performance is determined by the combined statistics of the players.tr.v. fan·ta·sied, fan·ta·sy·ing, fan·ta·sies To imagine; visualize. [Middle English fantasie, fantsy, from Old French fantasie, from Latin phantasia, from Greek phantasiā, appearance, imagination, from phantazesthai, to appear, from phantos, visible, from phainesthai, phan-, to appear, passive of phainein, to show; see bhā- in Indo-European roots.]fan•ta•sied (ˈfæn tə sid) adj. 1. conceived of in or as a fantasy; imagined; storied. 2. dreamt of or hoped for; longingly imagined. 3. Obs. filled with fantasy or fancy; imaginative or whimsical. [1555–65] EncyclopediaSeefantasy |