alcoholic type I

alcoholic type I

'Maintenance-type' alcoholic An anxiety-prone or passive-dependent person who drinks to alleviate problems; the onset in either sex is after age 25; AT-Is have a high reward dependence and avoid harmful or novel situations; most have minimal–if at all—antisocial tendencies

Patient discussion about alcoholic type I

Q. Are there are different kind of levels of alcoholism? A. If you are talking about the type of alcoholic drink,YES,they have different levels of alcohol in them,read the bottle,it will give you percent#--the more alcohol in a drink, the faster you will get drunk,and the worst your hangover will be-----mrfoot56

Q. Are there are certain types of people that have a stronger tendency to become alcoholics? A. the important part is to remember that you dont really know if you have a tendency to become an alcoholic until you are one, so the safe bet is to just stay away from it and no tell yourself that "it could never happen to you".

Q. What are the types of alcohol-induced liver disease? I heard there are several liver diseases alcohol can create.A. Here is a bit info about alcohol induced liver diseases:

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