Denver Developmental Screening Test

Denver Developmental Screening test

 a test for identification of infants and preschool children with developmental delay.

Den·ver De·vel·op·men·tal Screen·ing Test

a scale used by psychologists and pediatricians to assess the developmental, intellectual, motor, and social maturity of children at any age level from birth to adolescence.

Denver developmental screening test

Psychology A screening test that assesses a child's neurodevelopmental maturation. See Psychological testing.

Den·ver De·vel·op·men·tal Screen·ing Test

(DDS) (den'vĕr dĕ-vel'ŏp-men'tăl skrēn'ing test) A scale used by psychologists and pediatricians to assess the developmental, intellectual, motor, and social maturity of children from birth to age 6 years.