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cyclectomy Translationscyclectomy
cyclectomy [si-klek´to-me] 1. excision of a piece of the ciliary body.2. excision of a portion of the ciliary border of the eyelid.cy·clec·to·my (sī-klek'tō-mē, sik-lek'tō-mē), Excision of a portion of the ciliary body. Synonym(s): ciliectomy [cyclo- + G. ektomē, excision] cyclectomy (sī-klĕk′tə-mē, sĭ-klĕk′-)n. Excision of a portion of the ciliary body.cy·clec·to·my (sī-klek'tŏ-mē) Excision of a portion of the ciliary body. Synonym(s): ciliectomy. [cyclo- + G. ektomē, excision] |