

 [den´tin] the chief substance of the teeth, surrounding the tooth pulp and covered by the enamel on the crown and by cementum on the roots. adj., adj den´tinal.


(den'tin), Do not confuse this word with dentine.The ivory forming the mass of the tooth. About 20% is organic matrix, mostly type I collagen, with some elastin and a small amount of mucopolysaccharide; the inorganic fraction (70%) is mainly hydroxyapatite, with some carbonate, magnesium, and fluoride. The dentin is traversed by a large number of fine tunnels known as tubules, running from the pulp cavity outward; within the tubules are processes from the odontoblasts. Synonym(s): dentinum [TA], ebur dentis, substantia eburnea [L. dens, tooth]


(den'tin) The ivory forming the mass of the tooth. Calcified tissue that is not as hard as enamel but harder than cementum. About 20% is organic matrix, mostly a fibrous protein collagen, with some elastin and a small amount of mucopolysaccharide; the inorganic fraction (70%) is mainly hydroxyapatite, with some carbonate, magnesium, and fluoride. It is traversed by closely packed tubules running from the pulp cavity outward; within the tubules are processes from the odontoblasts.
Synonym(s): dentinum.
[L. dens, tooth]


(den'tin) [TA] Ivory forming mass of tooth.
Synonym(s): dentinum [TA] , ebur dentis.
[L. dens, tooth]