dentinal tubules

den·ti·nal tu·bules

minute, wavy, branching tubes or canals in the dentin; they contain the long cytoplasmic processes of odontoblasts and extend radially from the pulp to the dentoenamel and dentocemental junctions. Synonym(s): canaliculi dentales, dental tubules, dentinal canals, tubuli dentales

can·a·li·cu·li den·ta·les

(kan-ă-lik'yū-lī den-tā'lēs) [TA] Minute, wavy, branching tubes or canals in the dentin; they contain the long cytoplasmic processes of odontoblasts and extend radially from the pulp to the dentoenamel junction.
Synonym(s): dentinal canals, dentinal tubules.

den·ti·nal tu·bules

(den'ti-năl tū'byūlz) Minute, wavy, branching tubes or canals in the dentin; they contain the long cytoplasmic processes of odontoblasts and extend radially from the pulp to the dentoenamel and dentocemental junctions.
Synonym(s): dental tubules, dentinal canals.