a preserve and national park in northwestern Namibia. The preserve, covering an area of approximately 10 million hectares (ha), was established in 1907; the national park, covering an area of 2.227 million ha, was established in 1958. The Etosha is situated between the Atlantic Ocean and the salt marsh Etoshapan. It was set aside to help protect the landscape of the northern Namib Desert and of the arid interior regions of the country, with their distinctive flora and fauna.
The vegetation features various shrubs, thorns, and plants typical of grassy plains and mopane forests (Colophospermum mopane). Rare animals inhabiting the preserve and national park include the African black rhinoceros and mountain zebra. Elephants, giraffes, ostriches, and antelopes (for example, the kanna, greater kudu, and blue wildebeest) also inhabit the region.