

(ē-nam-ĕl-ō'mă), A developmental anomaly in which there is a small nodule of enamel below the cementoenamel junction, usually at the bifurcation of molar teeth. Synonym(s): enamel drop, enamel nodule, enamel pearl


, enamel pearl (ĕ-nam'ĕl-ō'mă, ĕ-nam'ĕl pĕrl) A developmental anomaly in which there is a small nodule of enamel below the cementoenamel junction, usually at the bifurcation of molar teeth.


(ĕ-nam'ĕl-ō'mă) Developmental anomaly with small nodule of enamel below cementoenamel junction, usually at bifurcation of molar teeth.
Synonym(s): enamel drop, enamel nodule, enamel pearl, pearl.