enamel hypoplasia

e·nam·el hy·po·pla·si·a

a developmental disturbance of teeth characterized by deficient or defective enamel matrix formation; may be hereditary, as in amelogenesis imperfecta, or acquired, as encountered in dental fluorosis, local infection, childhood fevers, and congenital syphilis.

e·nam·el hy·po·pla·si·a

(ĕ-nam'ĕl hī'pō-plā'zē-ă) A disturbance in the developing ameloblasts during enamel matrix formation resulting in a pitted surface of the crown.
See also: enamel hypocalcification, fluorosis

e·nam·el hy·po·pla·si·a

(ĕ-nam'ĕl hī'pō-plā'zē-ă) Developmental disturbance of teeth characterized by deficient or defective enamel matrix formation.