Auxiliary Production

Auxiliary Production


the part of the production activity of an enterprise essential to the servicing of main production and the ensuring of the uninterrupted manufacture and output of its product.

The major tasks of auxiliary production are preparing and repairing packaging, technological equipment, and special instruments and supplying them to the main shops; providing the enterprise with all forms of power; repairing, maintaining, and inspecting power, transport, and mechanical equipment, as well as measuring equipment; repairing buildings, structures, and factory implements; and receiving, storing, and distributing to the shops of the enterprise raw materials, stock, semifinished goods, and so on. The activity of the transport and supply departments of the enterprise may be considered as auxiliary production. Auxiliary production is determined by the characteristics of main production and by the size of the enterprise and its productive ties. Auxiliary production is basically carried out in auxiliary shops. Specialized shops and enterprises to service primary production are established in large combines and associations (in the metallurgical, chemical, and other sectors).

The long-term trend for improving auxiliary production is to transfer the most crucial and laborious parts of auxiliary production to specialized enterprises servicing the industry of a given region. This practice makes it possible to apply high-efficiency technology and advanced methods of auxiliary production; to reduce the cost of accomplishing the corresponding work in the enterprises serviced by specialized repair, instrument, and other bases; and to ensure the increase of labor productivity. As main production improves technically, a parallel development and rise in the technical and organizational level of auxiliary production is necessary. In large enterprises and associations, auxiliary production must be developed on the basis of centralization and specialization of operations, in order to ensure its maximum efficiency.