释义 |
denti-(word root) toothExamples of words with the root denti-: dentifricedenti- or dent-pref.1. Tooth: dentoid.2. Dental: dentilabial. [From Latin dēns, dent-, tooth; see dent- in Indo-European roots.]denti- or before a vowel dent-combining formindicating a tooth: dentiform; dentine. [from Latin dēns, dent-]denti- a combining form meaning “tooth”: dentiform. [< Latin, comb. form of dēns, s. dent-; see tooth] denti-
dent- , denti-dento- (dent, den'ti, den'tō), Teeth; dental. See also: odonto-. [L. dens, tooth] dent- , denti- , dento-Combining forms meaning teeth; dental. See also: odonto-[L. dens, tooth]dent- , denti- , dento-Combining forms meaning teeth; dental. See also: odonto-[L. dens, tooth] |