dental prosthetics


(pros'thō-don'tiks), The science of and art of providing suitable substitutes for the coronal portions of teeth, or for one or more lost or missing teeth and their associated parts, so that impaired function, appearance, comfort, and health of the patient may be restored. Synonym(s): dental prosthetics, prosthetic dentistry, prosthodontia [L. prosthodontia, fr. G. prosthesis + odous (odont-), tooth]

dental prosthetics

The dental specialty dealing with the needs of patients with missing teeth or with abnormal maxillofacial or oral structures. Synonym: prosthodontologySee also: prosthetics


(pros'thŏ-don'tiks) Science of providing suitable substitutes for coronal portions of teeth, or for one or more lost or missing teeth and their associated parts, so that impaired function, appearance, and comfort, may be restored.
Synonym(s): dental prosthetics, prosthodontia.
[L. prosthodontia, fr. G. prosthesis + odous (odont-), tooth]