

单词 check mark

check mark

check mark

n. A mark placed next to an item to show that it has been noted, verified, or approved.



v.t. 1. to stop or arrest the motion of suddenly or forcibly. 2. to restrain; control: to check an impulse. 3. to cause to diminish, as in rate or intensity. 4. to verify the correctness of, as by comparison. 5. to inquire into, search through, etc.: to check the files for a missing letter. 6. to inspect or test the condition, performance, safety, etc., of. 7. to mark so as to indicate choice, correctness, verification, etc. (often fol. by off). 8. to leave in or accept for temporary custody: Check your coats at the door. 9. to surrender (baggage) for conveyance. 10. to mark with or in a pattern of squares: to check fabric. 11. (in chess) to place (an opponent's king) under direct attack. 12. (in ice hockey) to obstruct or impede the movement or progress of (an opponent). v.i. 13. to prove to be right; correspond accurately. 14. to make an inquiry or investigation, as for verification (often fol. by up, into, etc.): Check into the matter. 15. to stop suddenly. 16. (in chess) to make a move that puts the opponent's king under direct attack. 17. to crack or split, as paint. 18. (in poker) to decline to bet. 19. check in, to register or report one's arrival, as at a hotel or airport. 20. check (up) on, to investigate, scrutinize, or inspect. 21. check out, a. to leave a hotel, hospital, etc., officially, esp. after settling one's account. b. to verify or become verified. c. to confirm or be confirmed as fulfilling necessary requirements, being in working condition, etc. d. to total the cost of purchases and collect payment from (a customer). e. to lend or borrow (an item) officially, as from a library. f. Informal. to depart quickly or abruptly. g. Slang. to die. 22. check over, to examine or investigate thoroughly. n. 23. a written order, usu. on a standard printed form, directing a bank to pay money. 24. a slip showing an amount owed, esp. a bill as for food or beverages consumed. 25. a ticket given for items left in a checkroom, to customers waiting to be served, etc. 26. a criterion, standard, or means to insure against error, fraud, etc. 27. an inquiry, search, or examination. 28. a mark, often indicated by (✓), as on a list, to indicate that something has been noted, acted upon, approved, etc. 29. a sudden arrest or stoppage. 30. a means of stopping, limiting, or restraining. 31. a test or inspection, as to ascertain quality or performance. 32. a pattern formed of squares. 33. one of the squares in such a pattern. 34. a fabric having such a pattern. 35. (in chess) the exposure of the king to direct attack. 36. an ice hockey maneuver designed to obstruct or impede the movement of an opponent. 37. a counter used in card games, as the chip in poker. 38. a small crack, as in a painted surface. adj. interj. 39. (used as a call in chess to warn that an opponent's king is in check.) 40. Informal. all right! agreed! Idioms: in check, under restraint: to hold one's anger in check. [1275–1325; Middle English chek, chekke (at chess) < Old French eschec (by aphesis), variant of eschac < Arabic shāh check (at chess) < Persian: literally, king (an exclamation: i.e., look out, your king is threatened); see shah] syn: check, curb, restrain refer to putting a control on movement, progress, action, etc. check implies arresting suddenly, halting or causing to halt by means of drastic action: to check a movement toward reform. curb implies slowing or stopping forward motion: to curb inflation; to curb a horse. restrain implies the use of force to put under control or hold back: to restrain one's enthusiasm; to restrain unruly spectators. See also stop.
Noun1.check mark - a mark indicating that something has been noted or completed etc.check mark - a mark indicating that something has been noted or completed etc.; "as he called the role he put a check mark by each student's name"tick, checkmark - a written or printed symbol (as for punctuation); "his answer was just a punctuation mark"

check mark

  • noun

Synonyms for check mark

noun a mark indicating that something has been noted or completed etc.


  • tick
  • check

Related Words

  • mark




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