Auxiliary Buildings and Premises

Auxiliary Buildings and Premises


buildings of industrial enterprises used to provide cultural and everyday services to production and office employees of a given enterprise (including sanitary and hygienic services, public catering, medical services, and public cultural services). They also house administrative, management, and technical services.

Premises for sanitary and hygienic services are divided into general (cloakrooms, washrooms, showers, toilets, smoking rooms, lounges, and others) and specialized (rooms for drying and cleaning of work clothes, heating, respiratory equipment, and so on). The contents of premises and the quantity and kinds of technical sanitary and other equipment are determined in accordance with existing draft plans for auxiliary buildings and premises of industrial enterprises. Cloakrooms, showers, and washrooms are usually combined in so-called cloakroom blocks, situated on the shortest route from the enterprise entrance to the work sites. Smoking rooms, toilets, lounges, and other premises used many times during the day are situated no farther than 75 m from the work sites.

Public catering (including dietetic and preventive medical services) is the function of dining rooms and also of buffets with hot food, situated so that they can be reached without leaving the building. The number of seats is calculated as one for every four persons working in the largest shift. The distance between the dining rooms and the work sites is from 200 to 300 m (when there is a half-hour lunch period).

Medical services are provided by polyclinics, preventive medicine centers, and health centers (usually staffed by doctors’ assistants). Factory polyclinics are located no more than 2 km from the enterprise entrances.

The preventive medicine centers are usually located in a suburban zone; the health centers are in the area of the enterprise, near the shops with the most people or the greatest occupational hazards.

Premises for public cultural services include all-factory political education centers; shop Red corners, including meeting halls with seating capacity for 30 percent of the employees in the largest shift; study groups and auxiliary premises; and grounds for athletic games and for gymnastics.

Administrative and management premises include entry booths, the working premises of the shop and all-factory administrations, designer offices, calculating machine centers, typing offices, photography laboratories, copying centers, archives, libraries, and premises for classes and for Party and public organizations.

It is recommended that auxiliary premises be arranged in blocks wherever possible. When the enterprise has only one story, shop subsidiary premises are located in annexes, inside the building (built-in blocks), or in separate buildings connected with the production building by passageways. Where there are several stories, shop subsidiary premises are usually inside the building. At large industrial enterprises, the premises for the all-factory administrative services and public organizations are usually in a separate building situated on a square near the factory.


SNiP, part 2, section M, ch. 3: “Vspomogatel’nye zdaniia i pomeshcheniia promyshlennykh predpriiatii: Normy proektirovaniia.” Moscow, 1968.
Sherman, L. N., and V. V. Blokhin. “O razvitii tipov bytovykh i vspomogatel’nykh zdanii promyshlennykh predpriiatii.” Izv Akademii stroitel’stva i arkhitektury SSSR, 1963, no. 3, pp. 73-85. Henn, W. Socialbauten der Industrie. (Industriebau, vol. 4.) Munich, 1966.