

单词 eis
释义 DictionarySeeDSS



(1) (Electronic Image Stabilization) See image stabilization.

(2) (Executive Information System) An information system that consolidates and summarizes ongoing transactions within the organization. It provides top management with all the information it requires at all times from internal and external sources.

The terms EIS and DSS (decision support system) are often used synonymously; however, an EIS implies more of a war room style graphical interface that overlooks the entire enterprise. A decision support system (DSS) typically provides a spreadsheet style "what if?" analysis capability, often for only one department or one product at a time. LightShip and Forest & Trees are examples of EIS software that popularized the concept. The EIS systems in the 1980s were the progenitors of the business intelligence (BI) software in the 1990s. See decision support system, EII and BI software.

(2) (Enterprise Information Services) The back-end layer where the traditional data processing occurs in an organization, which includes the databases, mainframe and ERP applications.

(3) (EIS International, Inc., Herndon, VA) Founded in Connecticut in 1980 by Robert Jesurum, EIS became a leading provider of advanced technology solutions for call centers worldwide. The firm's call center workstations and predictive dialing software were used in a wide variety of industries, including finance, telecom and cable, publishing and market research. In 2000, EIS became a subsidiary of German-based SER Systeme AG, and in 2002, a management buyout created the independent SER Solutions, Inc. with headquarters in Dulles, VA. Private investment firm The Gores Group acquired SER in early 2006. For more information, visit www.ser.com.

environmental impact statement

A detailed analysis of the probable environmental consequences of proposed federal legislation, major federal actions, or large-scale construction making use of federal funds, likely to have significant effects on environmental quality; such a statement is required by the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. §4321 et seq.).



Abbreviation for:
early intervention service 
endometrial carcinoma in situ
endoscopic injection sclerotherapy
European Infarction Study

Epidemic Intelligence Service



An epidemiology field training program for postdoctoral fellows at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It provides epidemiological assistance in the investigation and prevention of public health problems and a source of trained field epidemiologists for federal, state, and local health departments around the U.S.

executive information system



Software that extracts crucial data about the operations of a health care enterprise, e.g., patient volume, patient flow, patient satisfaction, morbidity, mortality, targeted objectives, costs, and inventories.
FinancialSeeenvironmental impact statement


EISEnvironmental Impact Statement
EISEnterprise Information Systems
EISElectronic Image Stabilization (photography)
EISEnvironmental Impact Study
EISEarly Intervention Services
EISEnglish Institute of Sport (UK)
EISExecutive Information System
EISEnterprise Infrastructure Services (various organizations)
EISElectrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
EISEnterprise Infrastructure Solutions (software)
EISElectronic Ignition Systems
EISEpidemic Intelligence Service (CDC)
EISEnterprise Investment Schemes (UK financial information)
EISEncrypt Instruction Set
EISEngine Induction System
EISElectronic Image Stabilization
EISEnterprise Information System
EISExternal Information System
EISEmirates International School (United Arab Emirates)
EISExtreme Ice Survey (est. 2007; photography project)
EISEducational Institute of Scotland
EISEuropean International School (Philippines)
EISEuropean Innovation Scoreboard
EISEuro Information Services (France)
EISEnergy Imbalance Service
EISEnvironmental Information Systems
EISEntry Into Service (date)
EISEnterprise Information Services
EISElectronic Information Services
EISEuropean Information System
EISEastern Irish Sea
EISEducation Information Service (various organizations)
EISEmployee Information System
EISEngineering Installation Squadron
EISEnterprise Information Security
EISEarly Intervention Specialist
EISEmergency Information System
EISExtreme Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer
EISExternal Integrated System
EISEconomic Information System
EISEyes in the Sky
EISEngineering Information System
EISEpidemiological Intelligence Service (US CDC)
EISÉlectronique Informatique Services (French: Electronic Computer Services)
EISEnterprise Integration Suite (software)
EISEntretien Installation Service (French: Installation Maintenance Service)
EISEssbase Integration Services (Hyperion)
EISExtended Instruction Set
EISElectronic Instrument System
EISEnterprise Incentive Scheme (tax rebate scheme; UK)
EISEnvironmental Impact Survey
EISEudora Internet Suite
EISEntertainment Industry Studies (Belmont University; Nashville, TN)
EISExpressive Intelligence Studio (University of California, Santa Cruz)
EISElster Integrated Solutions (Germany)
EISEngineering Integrity Society
EISExpress Intérim Service (France)
EISÉcole d'Initiation Sportive (French: Initiation School Sports)
EISEritrean Islamic Salvation (Eritrea)
EISElectronic Industrial Services (various locations)
EISEnhanced Income Security
EISEntreprise Internationale de Sécurité (French: International Corporate Security)
EISEisenhower Interstate System
EISEnvironmental Impact System
EISElite Information Systems
EISElectronic Information Security
EISEquipment In Service
EISEntreprise, Innovation, Société (French: Enterprise, Innovation and Society)
EISErinaceous Insurance Services (EU)
EISÉditions de l'Immobilier Social (French: Publishing Real Estate Social)
EISExpanded Inband Signaling
EISEnd Item Specification
EISExternal Interface Specification
EISElectrically Isolated Silver (colloidal silver)
EISEnrollment Information Service (ACT, Inc.)
EISEnhanced Information System
EISExpert Information System
EISEffective Isotropic Sensitivity
EISEquipment Imbalance Surcharge (shipping industry)
EISEcoforestry Institute Society (British Columbia, Canada)
EISEnhanced Imagery System
EISEnterprise Infrastructure Security Initiative (EPRI)
EISEvent Information System
EISEnterprise Internet Services
EISEffluent Inventory System
EISExecutive Interface System
EISElectron Impact Spectroscopy
EISEquipment Issue Scale
EISElectromagnetic Intelligence System
EISEnd Interruption Sequence
EISExecutive Interface Structure
EISEscamilla Intermediate School (Texas)
EISEconomic Information Systems, Incorporated
EISEnforcement Investigation System
EISEstimating Information System
EISEnvironmental Industry Council
EISErasure Insertion Scheme
EISElectronics/Engineering Installation Squadron
EISEmployee Inquiry System
EISEmirates Internet Services (Abu Dhabi, UAE)
EISÉlément Important pour la Sûreté (French: Important Element in Security)
EISEmployee Insight System (Questar)
ThesaurusSeedata mining




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