Biulleten Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytatelei Prirody
Biulleten’ Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytatelei Prirody
(Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Naturalists), one of the oldest Russian natural-history journals. Published in Moscow six times a year. Founded in 1829. It is intended for the publication of the results of the scientific research of society members.
The Biulleten’ contains sections on memorial dates and on criticism and bibliography. Before the October Revolution, the majority of works were published in foreign languages. Articles on all branches of natural science were published, predominantly on botany, zoology, genetics, geology, paleontology, and the history of natural science. In 1922 the Biulleten’ was divided into two parts—biology (1970 circulation, approximately 1,600) and geology (1970 circulation, approximately 1,300). The articles are published in Russian, with foreign-language résumés.
Lipshits, S. Iu. Moskovskoe obshchestvo ispytatelei prirody za 135 let ego sushchestvovaniia (1805-1940). Moscow, 1940.V. I. TSALKIN