

单词 down


down 1

D0364300 (doun)adv.1. a. From a higher to a lower place or position: hiked down from the peak.b. Toward, to, or on the ground, floor, or bottom: tripped and fell down.c. Downstairs: Let's go down and get some breakfast.d. In or into a sitting, kneeling, or reclining position: knelt down; lying down.e. In or into one's stomach: had trouble keeping his food down; washed down the pizza with soda.f. In writing or a record: The reporter wrote the statement down. He's down as the best goal-scorer of his time.g. In partial payment at the time of purchase: put $250 down on the new refrigerator.h. Into or toward a secure position: nailed down the boards; bolted the furniture down.2. a. Toward or in the south; southward: flew down to Florida.b. Away from a place considered central or a center of activity, such as a city or town: down on the farm; sent down to work at the firm's regional office.c. To a specific location or source: tracking a rumor down.3. a. Toward or at a low or lower point on a scale: from the biggest down to the smallest.b. From earlier times or people: tradition handed down from one generation to the next.4. a. To or at a lower intensity or amount: turned the volume down; prices going down.b. To or in a reduced or concentrated form: pared the term paper down to five pages.c. To or in a quiescent or subdued state: calmed down.d. In or into an inactive or inoperative state: The generators went down at midnight.e. To or into a lower or inferior condition, as of subjection, defeat, or disgrace: people kept down for decades.5. a. To an extreme degree; heavily: worn down by worry.b. Seriously or vigorously: get down to the project at hand.adj.1. a. Moving or directed downward: a down elevator.b. Low or lower: Stock prices were down today.c. Reduced; diminished: The wind is down.d. Sports & Games Trailing an opponent: a team down 20 points in the last quarter; down two pawns in chess.2. a. Afflicted; sick: She's down with a bad cold.b. Malfunctioning or not operating, especially temporarily: The computer is down.c. Low in spirits; depressed: feeling down today.3. Football a. Not in play and at the place where offensive forward progress has stopped: The ball is down on the 50-yard line.b. Not permitted to advance further in the play because forward progress has stopped, especially by being tackled. Used of a ball carrier.4. Baseball Retired; out: two down in the last of the ninth.5. a. Completed; done: three exams down, two to go.b. Learned or known perfectly: had the algebra problems down.prep.1. a. In a descending direction along, upon, into, or through: rolled down the hill; floating down the river; flowed down the pipe.b. In a sequential or temporal sequence: knowledge passed down the ages.2. Along the course of: walking down the street.3. In or at: The cans are stored down cellar.n.1. a. A downward movement; descent: the downs of the rollercoaster ride.b. A feeling of sadness or depression: His frequent downs made him hard to live with. c. A misfortune or difficulty: went through a lot of ups and downs before succeeding.2. Football Any of a series of four plays in American football or three plays in Canadian football during which a team must advance at least ten yards to retain possession of the ball.v. downed, down·ing, downs v.tr.1. To bring, put, strike, or throw down: downed his opponent in the first round.2. To swallow hastily; gulp: downed the glass of water.3. Football To put (the ball) out of play by touching it to the ground or stepping out of bounds.v.intr. To go or come down; descend.Idioms: down on Informal Hostile or negative toward; ill-disposed to: was down on jogging after his injury. down on (one's) luck Afflicted by misfortune. down with1. Used to express disapproval of someone or a wish to see someone removed from a position of authority: Down with the king! 2. Slang a. Being in support of or agreement with something: "He was not, I detected, 'down with the revolution'" (Clarence Page).b. Knowledgeable or aware of the latest trends or developments: a hipster who is down with the newest fads.
[Middle English doun, from Old English -dūne (as in ofdūne, downwards), from dūne, dative of dūn, hill; see dheuə- in Indo-European roots.]

down 2

D0364300 (doun)n.1. Fine, soft, fluffy feathers forming the first plumage of a young bird and underlying the contour feathers in certain adult birds.2. Botany A covering of soft, short hairs, as on some leaves or fruit.3. A soft, silky, or feathery substance, such as the first growth of a human beard.
[Middle English doun, from Old Norse dūnn.]

down 3

D0364300 (doun)n.1. often downs An expanse of rolling upland, often treeless, grassy, and used for grazing.2. often Down Any of several breeds of sheep having short wool, originally bred in the Downs of southern England.
[Middle English doune, from Old English dūn, hill; see dheuə- in Indo-European roots.]


(daʊn) prep1. used to indicate movement from a higher to a lower position: they went down the mountain. 2. at a lower or further level or position on, in, or along: he ran down the street. adv3. downwards; at or to a lower level or position: don't fall down. 4. (particle) used with many verbs when the result of the verb's action is to lower or destroy its object: pull down; knock down; bring down. 5. (particle) used with several verbs to indicate intensity or completion: calm down. 6. immediately: cash down. 7. on paper: write this down. 8. arranged; scheduled: the meeting is down for next week. 9. in a helpless position: they had him down on the ground. 10. a. away from a more important place: down from London. b. away from a more northerly place: down from Scotland. c. (of a member of some British universities) away from the university; on vacationd. in a particular part of a country: down south. 11. (Nautical Terms) nautical (of a helm) having the rudder to windward12. reduced to a state of lack or want: down to the last pound. 13. lacking a specified amount: at the end of the day the cashier was ten pounds down. 14. (Commerce) lower in price: bacon is down. 15. including all intermediate terms, grades, people, etc: from managing director down to tea-lady. 16. from an earlier to a later time: the heirloom was handed down. 17. to a finer or more concentrated state: to grind down; boil down. 18. (General Sporting Terms) sport being a specified number of points, goals, etc behind another competitor, team, etc: six goals down. 19. (Medicine) (of a person) being inactive, owing to illness: down with flu. 20. (functioning as imperative) (to dogs): down Rover!. 21. down with (functioning as imperative) wanting the end of somebody or something: down with the king!. 22. get down on something Austral and NZ to procure something, esp in advance of needs or in anticipation of someone elseadj23. (Psychology) (postpositive) depressed or miserable24. (Railways) (prenominal) of or relating to a train or trains from a more important place or one regarded as higher: the down line. 25. (Computer Science) (postpositive) (of a device, machine, etc, esp a computer) temporarily out of action26. (Commerce) made in cash: a down payment. 27. down to the responsibility or fault of: this defeat was down to me. 28. down with informal a. having a good understanding of: down with computers. b. in agreement with: completely down with that idea. c. enjoying mutual friendship and respect with: down with the kids. vb29. (tr) to knock, push, or pull down30. (intr) to go or come down31. (tr) informal to drink, esp quickly: he downed three gins. 32. (Soccer) (tr) to bring (someone) down, esp by tackling33. (Rugby) (tr) to bring (someone) down, esp by tacklingn34. (Soccer) American football one of a maximum of four consecutive attempts by one team to advance the ball a total of at least ten yards35. (Rugby) American football one of a maximum of four consecutive attempts by one team to advance the ball a total of at least ten yards36. a descent; downward movement37. a lowering or a poor period (esp in the phrase ups and downs)38. have a down on informal to bear ill will towards (someone or something)[Old English dūne, short for adūne, variant of of dūne, literally: from the hill, from of, off + dūn hill; see down3]


(daʊn) n1. (Zoology) the soft fine feathers with free barbs that cover the body of a bird and prevent loss of heat. In the adult they lie beneath and between the contour feathers2. (Zoology) another name for eiderdown13. (Botany) botany a fine coating of soft hairs, as on certain leaves, fruits, and seeds4. (Zoology) any growth or coating of soft fine hair, such as that on the human face[C14: of Scandinavian origin; related to Old Norse dūnn]


(daʊn) n (Physical Geography) archaic a hill, esp a sand dune[Old English dūn; related to Old Frisian dūne, Old Saxon dūna hill, Old Irish dūn fortress, Greek this sandbank; see dune, town]


(daʊn) n1. (Placename) a district of SE Northern Ireland, in Co Down. Pop: 65 195 (2003 est). Area: 649 sq km (250 sq miles)2. (Historical Terms) a historical county of SE Northern Ireland, on the Irish Sea: generally hilly, rising to the Mountains of Mourne: in 1973 it was replaced for administrative purposes by the districts of Ards, Banbridge, Castlereagh, Down, Newry and Mourne, North Down, and part of Lisburn. Area: 2466 sq km (952 sq miles)


(daʊn) n1. (Breeds) any of various lowland breeds of sheep, typically of stocky build and having dense close wool, originating from various parts of southern England, such as Oxford, Hampshire, etc. See also Dorset Down2. (Breeds) another name for Hampshire Down



adv. 1. from higher to lower; toward or into a lower position or level: Tell him to come down. 2. on or to the ground, floor, or the like: to fall down. 3. to or in a sitting or lying position. 4. to an area or district considered lower from a geographical standpoint, esp. southward: We drove down to San Diego. 5. to a lower value or rate: Slow down. 6. to a lesser pitch or volume: Turn down the radio. 7. in or to a calmer or less active state: The wind died down. 8. from an earlier to a later time. 9. from a greater to a lesser strength, amount, etc.: to water down a drink. 10. earnestly: to get down to work. 11. on paper: Write this down. 12. thoroughly; fully; completely. 13. in cash at the time of purchase: $50 down and $20 a month. 14. to the point of defeat or submission: to shout down the opposition. 15. to the source or actual position: to track someone down. 16. into a condition of ill health. 17. in or into a lower status or condition: kept down by lack of education. 18. Slang. on toast (as used at a lunch counter): Give me a tuna down. prep. 19. in a descending or more remote direction on or along: They ran off down the street. adj. 20. directed downward: the down escalator. 21. being at a low position or on the ground, floor, or bottom. 22. directed toward the south, a business district, etc. 23. downcast; depressed. 24. ailing or bedridden: to be down with a bad cold. 25. Football. (of the ball) not in play. 26. behind an opponent or opponents in points, games, etc. 27. having lost the amount indicated, esp. at gambling: to be down $10. 28. finished or taken care of: five down and one to go. 29. out of order: The computer is down again. 30. Slang. a. aware; knowledgeable. b. accepted or admired; excellent. n. 31. a downward movement; descent. 32. a turn for the worse; reverse. 33. Football. one of a series of four plays during which a team must advance the ball at least 10 yd. (9 m) to keep possession of it. v.t. 34. to knock, throw, or bring down. 35. to drink down, esp. quickly. 36. to defeat in a game or contest. v.i. 37. to go down; fall. interj. 38. get down (used as a command or warning). Idioms: 1. down cold or pat, learned perfectly. 2. down in the mouth, discouraged or depressed. 3. down on, hostile or averse to. 4. down with, to remove from power or do away with (used imperatively): Down with the king! [before 1100; Middle English doune, Old English dūne, aph. variant of adūne for of dūne off (the) hill; see a-2, down3]



n. 1. the soft first plumage of many young birds. 2. the soft under plumage of birds. 3. the under plumage of some birds, as geese and ducks, used for filling in quilts, clothing, etc., chiefly for warmth. 4. a fine, soft pubescence on plants and some fruits. adj. 5. filled with down: a down jacket. [1325–75; Middle English downe < Old Norse dūnn] down′less, adj. down′like`, adj.



n. 1. Often, downs. (esp. in southern England) open, rolling country usu. covered with grass. 2. (cap.) any sheep of several breeds raised orig. in the downs of S England, as the Suffolk. [before 1000; Middle English; Old English dūn hill]



n. a county in SW Northern Ireland. 311,876; 952 sq. mi. (2466 sq. km).


(doun) Fine, fluffy feathers that cover a young bird and underlie the outer feathers of certain adult birds. Down feathers are fluffy because they do not have interlocking barbules like adult outer feathers.


In artillery and naval gunfire support:1. A term used in a call for fire to indicate that the target is at a lower altitude than the reference point used in identifying the target.
2. A correction used by an observer/spotter in time fire to indicate that a decrease in height of burst is desired.


 a flock of sheep, etc.Examples: down of hares; of sheep.


Past participle: downed
Gerund: downing
I down
you down
he/she/it downs
we down
you down
they down
I downed
you downed
he/she/it downed
we downed
you downed
they downed
Present Continuous
I am downing
you are downing
he/she/it is downing
we are downing
you are downing
they are downing
Present Perfect
I have downed
you have downed
he/she/it has downed
we have downed
you have downed
they have downed
Past Continuous
I was downing
you were downing
he/she/it was downing
we were downing
you were downing
they were downing
Past Perfect
I had downed
you had downed
he/she/it had downed
we had downed
you had downed
they had downed
I will down
you will down
he/she/it will down
we will down
you will down
they will down
Future Perfect
I will have downed
you will have downed
he/she/it will have downed
we will have downed
you will have downed
they will have downed
Future Continuous
I will be downing
you will be downing
he/she/it will be downing
we will be downing
you will be downing
they will be downing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been downing
you have been downing
he/she/it has been downing
we have been downing
you have been downing
they have been downing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been downing
you will have been downing
he/she/it will have been downing
we will have been downing
you will have been downing
they will have been downing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been downing
you had been downing
he/she/it had been downing
we had been downing
you had been downing
they had been downing
I would down
you would down
he/she/it would down
we would down
you would down
they would down
Past Conditional
I would have downed
you would have downed
he/she/it would have downed
we would have downed
you would have downed
they would have downed


Any of four attempts by the offense (three in Canadian football) to advance the ball at least 10 yards by passing or running.
Noun1.down - soft fine feathersdown featherfeather, plumage, plume - the light horny waterproof structure forming the external covering of birdsduck down - down of the duckgoose down - down of the gooseswan's down - down of the swanplumule - down feather of young birds; persists in some adult birds
2.down - (American football) a complete play to advance the football; "you have four downs to gain ten yards"turn, play - (game) the activity of doing something in an agreed succession; "it is my turn"; "it is still my play"American football, American football game - a game played by two teams of 11 players on a rectangular field 100 yards long; teams try to get possession of the ball and advance it across the opponents goal line in a series of (running or passing) plays
3.Down - English physician who first described Down's syndrome (1828-1896)John L. H. Down
4.down - (usually plural) a rolling treeless highland with little soilplural, plural form - the form of a word that is used to denote more than onehighland, upland - elevated (e.g., mountainous) land
5.down - fine soft dense hair (as the fine short hair of cattle or deer or the wool of sheep or the undercoat of certain dogs)pilehair - a covering for the body (or parts of it) consisting of a dense growth of threadlike structures (as on the human head); helps to prevent heat loss; "he combed his hair"; "each hair consists of layers of dead keratinized cells"lanugo - the fine downy hair covering a human fetus; normally shed during the ninth month of gestation
Verb1.down - drink down entirelydown - drink down entirely; "He downed three martinis before dinner"; "She killed a bottle of brandy that night"; "They popped a few beer after work"belt down, bolt down, drink down, pour down, toss off, pop, killdrink, imbibe - take in liquids; "The patient must drink several liters each day"; "The children like to drink soda"
2.down - eat immoderately; "Some people can down a pound of meat in the course of one meal"consume, devour, go througheat - take in solid food; "She was eating a banana"; "What did you eat for dinner last night?"
3.down - bring down or defeat (an opponent)athletics, sport - an active diversion requiring physical exertion and competitiondefeat, get the better of, overcome - win a victory over; "You must overcome all difficulties"; "defeat your enemies"; "He overcame his shyness"; "He overcame his infirmity"; "Her anger got the better of her and she blew up"
4.down - shoot at and force to come down; "the enemy landed several of our aircraft"shoot down, land
5.down - cause to come or go down; "The policeman downed the heavily armed suspect"; "The mugger knocked down the old lady after she refused to hand over her wallet"knock down, push down, pull down, cut downsubmarine - bring down with a blow to the legsstrike - deliver a sharp blow, as with the hand, fist, or weapon; "The teacher struck the child"; "the opponent refused to strike"; "The boxer struck the attacker dead"
6.down - improve or perfect by pruning or polishing; "refine one's style of writing"fine-tune, refine, polishameliorate, improve, meliorate, amend, better - to make better; "The editor improved the manuscript with his changes"overrefine, over-refine - refine too much or with excess of subtlety; "He is overrefining this matter"civilise, civilize, school, cultivate, educate, train - teach or refine to be discriminative in taste or judgment; "Cultivate your musical taste"; "Train your tastebuds"; "She is well schooled in poetry"
Adj.1.down - being or moving lower in position or less in some value; "lay face down"; "the moon is down"; "our team is down by a run"; "down by a pawn"; "the stock market is down today"low - literal meanings; being at or having a relatively small elevation or upward extension; "low ceilings"; "low clouds"; "low hills"; "the sun is low"; "low furniture"; "a low bow"descending - coming down or downwardup - being or moving higher in position or greater in some value; being above a former position or level; "the anchor is up"; "the sun is up"; "he lay face up"; "he is up by a pawn"; "the market is up"; "the corn is up"
2.down - extending or moving from a higher to a lower place; "the down staircase"; "the downward course of the stream"downwarddescending - coming down or downward
3.down - becoming progressively lower; "the down trend in the real estate market"falling - becoming lower or less in degree or value; "a falling market"; "falling incomes"
4.down - being put out by a strikeout; "two down in the bottom of the ninth"out - not allowed to continue to bat or run; "he was tagged out at second on a close play"; "he fanned out"
5.down - understood perfectlydown - understood perfectly; "had his algebra problems down"down pat, masteredperfect - being complete of its kind and without defect or blemish; "a perfect circle"; "a perfect reproduction"; "perfect happiness"; "perfect manners"; "a perfect specimen"; "a perfect day"
6.down - lower than previously; "the market is depressed"; "prices are down"depressedlow - less than normal in degree or intensity or amount; "low prices"; "the reservoir is low"
7.down - shut; "the shades were down"lowered - below the surround or below the normal position; "with lowered eyes"
8.down - not functioning (temporarily or permanently); "we can't work because the computer is down"inoperative - not working or taking effect; "an inoperative law"
9.down - filled with melancholy and despondency ; "gloomy at the thought of what he had to face"; "gloomy predictions"; "a gloomy silence"; "took a grim view of the economy"; "the darkening mood"; "lonely and blue in a strange city"; "depressed by the loss of his job"; "a dispirited and resigned expression on her face"; "downcast after his defeat"; "feeling discouraged and downhearted"down in the mouth, downhearted, low-spirited, dispirited, gloomy, downcast, blue, depressed, grim, lowdejected - affected or marked by low spirits; "is dejected but trying to look cheerful"
Adv.1.down - spatially or metaphorically from a higher to a lower level or position; "don't fall down"; "rode the lift up and skied down"; "prices plunged downward"downward, downwardly, downwardsup, upward, upwardly, upwards - spatially or metaphorically from a lower to a higher position; "look up!"; "the music surged up"; "the fragments flew upwards"; "prices soared upwards"; "upwardly mobile"
2.down - away from a more central or a more northerly place; "was sent down to work at the regional office"; "worked down on the farm"; "came down for the wedding"; "flew down to Florida"up - to a more central or a more northerly place; "was transferred up to headquarters"; "up to Canada for a vacation"
3.down - paid in cash at time of purchase; "put ten dollars down on the necklace"
4.down - from an earlier time; "the story was passed down from father to son"
5.down - to a lower intensity; "he slowly phased down the light until the stage was completely black"up - to a higher intensity; "he turned up the volume"
6.down - in an inactive or inoperative state; "the factory went down during the strike"; "the computer went down again"


preposition1. along, to the other end of, throughout the length of, from one end to the other of They set off at a jog down the street.2. throughout, over, through, during This domination has extended gradually down the years.adverb1. downwards, from top to bottom, towards the bottom, downstairs We went down in the lift after the meeting.adjective1. depressed, low, sad, blue, unhappy, discouraged, miserable, fed up, dismal, pessimistic, melancholy, glum, dejected, despondent, dispirited, downcast, morose, disheartened, crestfallen, downhearted, down in the dumps (informal), sick as a parrot (informal), low-spirited The old man sounded really down.2. not working, broken, broken down, defective, out of action, out of order, acting up, not functioning, on the blink (slang), on its last legs, kaput (informal), not in working order The computer's down again.verb1. (Informal) swallow, drink (down), knock back, sink (informal), drain, finish off, gulp (down), put away (informal), swig (informal), guzzle, quaff, polish off, toss off We downed several bottles of local wine.2. bring down, fell, knock down, throw, trip, floor, tackle, deck (slang), overthrow, prostrate A bank guard shot him and downed him.noun1. fluff, nap, fuzz, pile, oose (Scot.) The plant is covered in fine down.have a down on something or someone (Informal) be antagonistic or hostile to, be set against, have it in for (slang), be anti (informal), be prejudiced against, be contra (informal), bear a grudge towards, feel ill will towards She always had a down on me for some reason.


adjective1. Characterized by reduced economic activity:dull, off, slack, slow, sluggish, soft.2. Suffering from or affected with an illness:ill, sick, unwell.Informal: laid up.Chiefly Regional: poorly.3. In low spirits:blue, dejected, depressed, desolate, dispirited, downcast, downhearted, dull, dysphoric, gloomy, heavy-hearted, low, melancholic, melancholy, sad, spiritless, tristful, unhappy, wistful.Idiom: down at the mouth.nounA sudden drop to a lower condition or status:comedown, descent, downfall, downgrade.verb1. To cause to fall, as from a shot or blow:bring down, cut down, drop, fell, flatten, floor, ground, knock down, level, prostrate, strike down, throw.Slang: deck.Idiom: lay low.2. To swallow (food or drink) greedily or rapidly in large amounts:bolt, englut, engorge, gobble, gulp, guzzle, ingurgitate, swill, wolf.


(daun) adverb1. towards or in a low or lower position, level or state. He climbed down to the bottom of the ladder. 向下 向下2. on or to the ground. The little boy fell down and cut his knee. 往地上,到地上 往地上3. from earlier to later times. The recipe has been handed down in our family for years. 從上一代到下一代 从早些时候到晚些时候4. from a greater to a smaller size, amount etc. Prices have been going down steadily. (金額等)下降 (物价等)下降 5. towards or in a place thought of as being lower, especially southward or away from a centre. We went down from Glasgow to Bristol. 下行地 下行地 preposition1. in a lower position on. Their house is halfway down the hill. 在…下方 (表示位置)在…的下方 2. to a lower position on, by, through or along. Water poured down the drain. 沿著…往下 (表示方向)沿着…向下 3. along. The teacher's gaze travelled slowly down the line of children. 沿著 沿着 verb to finish (a drink) very quickly, especially in one gulp. He downed a pint of beer. 很快喝完(尤指一口氣) (指大口或快速地)喝下 ˈdownward adjective leading, moving etc down. a downward curve. 往下的 向下的ˈdownward(s) adverb towards a lower position or state. The path led downward (s) towards the sea. 往下地 向下地down-and-ˈout noun, adjective (a person) having no money and no means of earning a living. a hostel for down-and-outs. 貧困潦倒 贫困潦倒,落魄 ˌdown-at-ˈheel adjective shabby, untidy and not well looked after or well-dressed. 衣衫襤褸的 衣衫褴褛的ˈdowncast adjective (of a person) depressed; in low spirits. a downcast expression. 垂頭喪氣的 垂头丧气的ˈdownfall noun a disastrous fall, especially a final failure or ruin. the downfall of our hopes. 垮台 垮台ˌdownˈgrade verb to reduce to a lower level, especially of importance. His job was downgraded. 降級(尤指從高位) 降低等级ˌdownˈhearted adjective depressed and in low spirits, especially lacking the inclination to carry on with something. Don't be downhearted! – we may yet win. 沮喪的,消沉的 沮丧的,消沉的 ˌdownˈhill adverb1. down a slope. The road goes downhill all the way from our house to yours. 下坡 下坡2. towards a worse and worse state. We expected him to die, I suppose, because he's been going steadily downhill for months. 每況愈下 趋向衰退,每况愈下 downˈhill racing noun racing downhill on skis. 速降滑雪賽 速降滑雪赛downˈhill skiing noun 速降滑雪 速降滑雪ˌdown-in-the-ˈmouth adjective miserable; in low spirits. 沮喪的,消沉的 凄悲的,消沉的 down payment a payment in cash, especially to begin the purchase of something for which further payments will be made over a period of time. 頭期款,訂金 (分期付款中的)头期款,预付定金 ˈdownpour noun a very heavy fall of rain. 傾盆大雨 倾盆大雨ˈdownright adverb plainly; there's no other word for it. I think he was downright rude! 十足地,完全地 十分地,完全地 adjectiveHe is a downright nuisance! 徹底的 彻底的ˈdownstairs adjective , ˌdownˈstairsadverb on or towards a lower floor. He walked downstairs; I left my book downstairs; a downstairs flat. 樓下的 楼下的ˌdownˈstream adverb further along a river towards the sea. We found/rowed the boat downstream. 順流而下 顺流而下ˌdown-to-ˈearth adjective practical and not concerned with theories, ideals etc. She is a sensible, down-to-earth person. 腳踏實地的 脚踏实地的ˈdowntown adjective (American) the part (of a city) containing the main centres for business and shopping. downtown Manhattan. (美)市中心 城市商业区的,闹市区的 ˌdownˈtown adverb (also down town) in or towards this area. to go downtown; I was down town yesterday. 在市中心 在市中心,在城市商业区 ˈdown-trodden adjective badly treated; treated without respect. a down-trodden wife. 受壓迫的,被蹂躪的 受压制的,被蹂躏的 be/go down with to be or become ill with. The children all went down with measles. 染上(疾病) 染上...病down on one's luck having bad luck. 倒楣 倒霉,不走运 down tools to stop working. When the man was sacked his fellow workers downed tools and walked out. 停止工作 停止工作down with get rid of. Down with the dictator! 打倒(獨裁者) 打倒,除掉 get down to to begin working seriously at or on. I must get down to some letters! 開始認真處理 开始认真对待suit (someone) down to the ground to suit perfectly. That arrangement will suit me down to the ground. 完全適合 很适合


(daun) noun small, soft feathers. a quilt filled with down. 絨羽 (鸟的)绒羽,绒毛 downie®duvetˈdowny adjective soft, like feathers. the baby's downy hair. 像絨羽般柔軟的 绒毛的


  • Could you write it down, please? → 请您把它写下来,好吗?
  • Slow down! → 开慢点!
  • What do I do if I have car trouble? (US)
    What do I do if I break down? (UK) → 如果车坏了我该怎么办?
  • My car has broken down → 我的车坏了
  • Put it down over there, please → 请把它放到那儿去
  • Could you write that down, please? → 请帮我写下来好吗?
  • Could you write down the address, please? (US)
    Will you write down the address, please? (UK) → 请您把地址写下来好吗?
  • Please write down the price → 请把价钱写下来
  • Someone's been knocked down by a car (US)
    Someone has been knocked down by a car (UK) → 有人被车撞倒了
  • Is there somewhere I can sit down? → 有能让我坐下来的地方吗?
  • Where can I sit down? → 我可以坐在哪儿呢?



1. verb To eat or drink something very quickly. Wow, you guys really downed that dish—I guess you liked it!2. verb To throw or shove someone to the ground. Well, that was a quick wrestling match—Adam downed his opponent in no time at all.3. noun In American football, one of four chances to advance a minimum of 10 yards. If the team in possession of the ball does not advance 10 yards in these four attempts, then they yield the ball to their opponent. On a miraculous play, they scored a touchdown on fourth down.4. adjective Sad or depressed. Sorry, I'm a little down—I had a really bad day.5. adjective Not functioning, as of a machine or system. The computer system will be down this weekend for some routine maintenance.6. adjective Finished or completed. All right, one room down, two to go before our painting is done.7. adjective At a deficit; behind in the score. We're only down by one, so we have plenty of time to make a comeback in the third period.8. adjective Committed to memory. I still don't have the quadratic equation down—can you remind me what it is?

*down (with someone )

Sl. friends with someone; okay or on good terms with someone. (Down = okay. *Typically: be ~; get ~.) It's okay. I'm down with Chuck. Chuck and I are down.


verbSee down with someone


verbSee downer


1. mod. depressed; melancholy. (see also down with something.) I feel sort of down today. 2. mod. [of a machine] inoperative. (Originally said of a computer.) The system is down. Come back later. 3. tv. to eat or drink something down quickly. She downed her sandwich in record time. 4. tv. to throw someone down, as in wrestling; to knock someone down as in a fight. Wilbur downed his opponent and won the match. 5. mod. behind in a score. They’re twenty points down, and it looks like the Adamsville team has won. 6. mod. finished; completed; behind one. One down and three to go. 7. mod. learned; memorized. (From sense 6) I’ve got the dates down, but not the names. 8. mod. okay; satisfactory; cool; in agreement. (see also down (with someone).) We had a fight, but we’re down now. 9. mod. prepared; knowledgeable. (From senses 7 and 8.) Are you down for the test tomorrow? 10. mod. alcohol intoxicated. Five beers and he was down. 11. Go to downer.
  • (as) soft as down
  • (one's) whole world came crashing down around (one)
  • (one's) whole world was turned upside down
  • (right) down (one's) alley
  • 10 Downing Street
  • a chill runs/goes down (one's) spine
  • a chill runs/goes down somebody's spine
  • a down-and-outer
  • a knock-down, drag-out fight
  • a shiver down (one's) spine
  • a shiver ran down (one's) spine
  • a shiver runs/goes down (one's) spine
  • a shiver runs/goes down somebody's spine
  • a shiver went down (one's) spine
  • a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down
  • all along the line
  • all along/down the line
  • all the way down the line
  • along the line
  • Anything new down your way?
  • argue (someone or something) down
  • argue down
  • ask down
  • back down
  • bargain (someone or something) down
  • bargain down
  • batten down the hatches
  • batten down the hatches, to
  • batter down
  • be (down) on (one's) uppers
  • be (right) down (one's) alley
  • be breathing down (one's) neck
  • be breathing down someone's neck
  • be brought down a notch (or two)
  • be brought down a peg (or two)
  • be caught with (one's) pants down
  • be caught with (one's) trousers down
  • be caught with your pants down
  • be chucking (it) down
  • be dead from the waist down
  • be down
  • be down in the dumps
  • be down in the mouth
  • be down on (one) like a ton of bricks
  • be down on (one's) luck
  • be down on (someone or something)
  • be down on your luck
  • be down to (do something)
  • be down to (one)
  • be down to (something)
  • be down to somebody/something
  • be down to something
  • be down to the wire
  • be down with (something)
  • be jumping up and down
  • be knocked down a notch (or two)
  • be knocked down a peg (or two)
  • be pulled down a notch (or two)
  • be pulled down a peg (or two)
  • be shot down in flames
  • be taken down a notch (or two)
  • be taken down a peg (or two)
  • be tipping (it) down
  • be up and down
  • be/come down on somebody like a ton of bricks
  • beam down
  • bear down
  • bear down (on)
  • beat (someone) down to size
  • beat (someone) hands down
  • beat down
  • beat down on (someone or something)
  • beat down to size
  • bed down
  • bed down (some place)
  • bed down some place
  • belt a drink down
  • belt down
  • belt down (something or someone)
  • bend down
  • bid (something) down
  • bid down
  • bind (something or someone) down
  • bind down
  • blaze down
  • blaze down on (someone or something)
  • blow down
  • blow me down
  • bog down
  • bogged down
  • boil (something) down to (something)
  • boil down
  • boil down to
  • boil down to something
  • boil down to, to
  • bolt down
  • boogie down
  • boogie down to (some place)
  • boogie down to somewhere
  • boogie on down
  • bounce up and down
  • bow down
  • bow down before (someone)
  • bow down in the house of Rimmon
  • bow down to (someone)
  • break down
  • break down and cry
  • break it down
  • break it down!
  • breathe down (one's) neck
  • breathe down neck
  • breathe down somebody's neck
  • breathe down someone's neck
  • bring (one) back (down) to earth
  • bring (one) down a peg (or two)
  • bring (one) down to earth
  • bring (someone) down a notch (or two)
  • bring (something) (down) about (one's) ears
  • bring (something) crashing down (around) (one)
  • bring (something) down on (one's) head
  • bring (something) down on (oneself)
  • bring (something) down to (one's) level
  • bring crashing down
  • bring down
  • bring down on
  • bring down the curtain
  • bring down the curtain (on something)
  • bring down the curtain on
  • bring down the house
  • bring down the house, to
  • bring down the shutters
  • bring down to
  • bring down to earth
  • bring somebody/come down to earth
  • bring someone down
  • bring the curtain down on something
  • bring the house down
  • bring/put down the shutters
  • bring/ring down the curtain
  • bring/take somebody down a peg
  • bringdown
  • bring-down
  • brush down
  • bucket down
  • buckle down
  • buff down
  • build down
  • bunk down
  • bunk down (for the night)
  • burn down
  • burn someone down
  • button down
  • button-down
  • buttoned-down
  • call down
  • calm down
  • can't nail (something) down
  • carry down
  • cash down
  • cast (one's) eyes down
  • cast down
  • cast eyes down
  • catch (one) with (one's) pants down
  • catch (someone) with his pants down, to
  • catch somebody with their pants down
  • catch someone with their pants down
  • catch with pants down
  • caught with (one's) pants down
  • caught with one's pants down, be
  • chain (something) down
  • chain down
  • change down
  • charge down
  • charge down on
  • charge down on (someone or something)
  • chase down
  • chips are down, the
  • choke down
  • chop down
  • chow down
  • chow something down
  • chuck (something) down
  • chuck down
  • chuck it down
  • chuck something down
  • clamp down
  • clamp down on
  • clamp down on (someone or something)
  • clean down
  • climb down
  • close down
  • close down and shut down
  • clunk down
  • come back (down) to earth
  • come down
  • come down hard
  • come down hard on (someone or something)
  • come down hard on someone
  • come down in buckets
  • come down in the world
  • come down like a ton of bricks
  • come down on
  • come down on (one) like a ton of bricks
  • come down on (someone or something)
  • come down on someone like a ton of bricks
  • come down on the side of (someone or something)
  • come down the pike
  • come down to
  • come down to (some place)
  • come down to earth
  • come down to some place
  • come down to the line
  • come down to the wire
  • come down to us
  • come down with
  • come down with (something)
  • come down/out on the side of somebody/something
  • Come in and sit a spell
  • come out on the side of (someone or something)
  • come/go down/up in the world
  • cool down
  • cool off
  • copy down
  • count down
  • cower down
  • crack down
  • crack down on, to
  • crash down
  • crouch down
  • crunch down
  • crush down
  • cry down
  • cut (one) down in (one's) prime
  • cut (someone or something) down to size
  • cut (something) down to (something)
  • cut down
  • cut down to
  • cut down to size
  • cut somebody down to size
  • cut someone down to size
  • damp down
  • deep down
  • deep down inside
  • dial down
  • die away
  • die down
  • dig down
  • dim down
  • do (someone) down
  • Do sit down
  • don't let (someone or something) get you down
  • don't let get you down
  • doss down
  • doss down for (some period of time)
  • doss down for some time
  • double down
  • down
  • down (one's) nose
  • down and dirty
  • down and out
  • down at heel
  • down at the heel
  • down at the heels
  • down at the mouth
  • down below
  • down cold
  • down cold, have
  • down for the count
  • down in
  • down in the doldrums
  • down in the dumps
  • down in the dumps, to be
  • down in the mouth
  • down memory lane
  • down nose
  • down on
  • down on (one's) luck
  • down on (one's) uppers
  • down on his uppers
  • down on one's luck
  • down on your luck
  • down pat
  • down South
  • down the
  • down the drain
  • down the hatch
  • Down the hatch!
  • down the line
  • down the little red lane
  • down the pan
  • down the pike
  • down the road
  • down the road, not across the street
  • down the street
  • down the toilet
  • down the track
  • down the tube
  • down the tube(s)
  • down the tubes
  • down there
  • down through (something)
  • down through something
  • down time
  • down to (someone or something)
  • down to a fine art
  • down to a gnat 's eyebrow
  • down to a gnat's eyebrow
  • down to bedrock
  • down to brass tacks
  • down to chili and beans
  • down to earth
  • down to somebody/something
  • down to the ground
  • down to the last detail
  • down to the short strokes
  • down to the wire
  • down tools
  • down trip
  • down under
  • Down with
  • down with (an illness)
  • down with (someone or something)
  • down with a disease
  • down with his apple-cart
  • down with somebody/something!
  • down with someone
  • down with something
  • down with the haps
  • down with the swirl
  • down-and-outer
  • down-at-heel
  • down-at-heels
  • down-at-the-heel
  • down-at-the-heels
  • downbeat
  • downer
  • downhill all the way
  • down-home
  • Downing Street
  • downtime
  • down-to-earth
  • down-to-the-wire
  • drag down
  • draw down
  • dress down
  • dressing down, a
  • dressing-down
  • drill down
  • drink down
  • drive a price down
  • drive a/the/(something's) price down
  • drive down
  • drive down a/the/(something's) price
  • drizzle down
  • drop down
  • drop like ninepins
  • drunk as a lord
  • duck down
  • dumb (something) down
  • dumb down
  • dumb down, to
  • ease down
  • eyes down
  • eyes down!
  • face down
  • face up
  • face up/down
  • fade down
  • fall down
  • fall down at (one's) feet
  • fall down on
  • fall down on (someone or something)
  • fall down on the job
  • fall like ninepins
  • falling down drunk
  • falling-down drunk
  • fasten down
  • fasten down to (something)
  • fight down
  • file down
  • filter down
  • flag down
  • flake down
  • fling (someone or something) down
  • fling down
  • flop down
  • flop down on
  • flop down on(to) (something)
  • flushed down the tubes
  • flutter down
  • force (something) down (someone's) throat
  • force down
  • force something down someone's throat
  • further along the road
  • further along/down the road
  • further down the road
  • garbage down
  • garbage something down
  • garden path, to lead up/down the
  • get (one) down
  • get (one's) head down
  • get (something) down
  • get (something) down to a science
  • get down
  • get down on (someone or something)
  • get down on someone
  • get down to
  • get down to (doing something)
  • get down to brass tacks
  • get down to brass tacks, to/let's
  • get down to business
  • get down to cases
  • get down to it
  • get down to some serious drinking
  • get down to the facts
  • get down to the nitty-gritty
  • get down to the nuts and bolts
  • get down to work
  • get the low-down
  • get your head down
  • give (one) the low-down
  • give (something) the thumbs down
  • give somebody/get the low-down
  • give something the thumbs down
  • glance down
  • glance down at (someone or something)
  • glare down
  • glare down on
  • glare down on (someone or something)
  • glue down
  • go down
  • go down a bomb
  • go down a storm
  • go down a treat
  • go down a/the road
  • go down as (something)
  • go down badly
  • go down fighting
  • go down for the third time
  • go down in defeat
  • go down in flames
  • go down in the world
  • go down in/make history
  • go down like a lead balloon
  • go down like ninepins
  • go down memory lane
  • go down on (one)
  • go down on (one's) knees
  • go down on knees
  • go down on someone
  • go down that road
  • go down the chute
  • go down the drain
  • go down the line
  • go down the pan
  • go down the plughole
  • go down the rabbit hole
  • go down the toilet
  • go down the tube
  • go down the tube/tubes
  • go down the tubes
  • go down the wrong way
  • go down to
  • go down to (someone or something)
  • go down to defeat
  • go down to the wire
  • go down well
  • go down well, badly, etc.
  • go down with
  • go down with (something)
  • go down with guns firing
  • go down, drop, etc. like ninepins
  • go down/take somebody down memory lane
  • go downtown
  • go up in flames
  • go, come, etc. down to the wire
  • go/walk down the aisle
  • gobble down
  • grade down
  • grind down
  • grow down
  • gulp down
  • gun down
  • guzzle down
  • hack down
  • hail down
  • hammer down
  • hand down
  • hand down from (someone) to (one)
  • hand down from to
  • hand-me-down
  • hands down
  • hang down
  • hang down from (someone or something)
  • haul down
  • have (someone or something) down as (something)
  • have (someone) down
  • have (something) down cold



district (1991 pop. 57,050), 246 sq mi (637 sq km), SE Northern Ireland. The principal town is DownpatrickDownpatrick
, town (1991 pop. 8,245), Down dist., E Northern Ireland, at the southwest extremity of Strangford Lough. The town has linen mills and is a market for an area where oats and flax are grown and sheep are raised. Hunting is popular in the vicinity.
..... Click the link for more information.
. The shoreline extends along the Irish Sea and is deeply indented by Strangford Lough. The undulating surface rises to the beautiful Mourne Mts. in the south. Chief rivers are the Lagan and the Bann. Agriculture is the most important activity, and the area is extensively cultivated (oats, barley, wheat, and hay). Market gardening is common in the north. Sheep and pigs are also raised. Manufactures include linen, cotton, rayon, clothing, agricultural machinery, and metals. The chief manufacturing towns are Downpatrick and Ballynahinch. Fishing is economically important; herring and whitefish constitute the main catch. Newcastle and Killyleagh are seaside resort towns.



a type of bird feather and the finest hairs in the coat of mammals; down improves an animal’s thermoregulation.

Down feathers have a greatly shortened shaft, with many long, soft individual barbs on which are set barbules lacking hamuli. In adult birds they are usually concealed beneath the contour feathers; however, in some birds, such as vultures, the down feathers protrude at the head and neck. A number of birds, for example, ratites and penguins, have no down feathers. Down is used as a filling for pillows and sleeping bags; it is also used to insulate garments. The white down of waterfowl, especially eiders, is highly valued.

The down of sheep, goats, camels, and rabbits and other fur-bearing animals is very soft. As a rule, the wavy fibers have no inner layer. An animal’s underfur, including the underfur of the winter pelage of fur-bearing animals, usually consists of down. The entire hairy covering of rabbits, fine-wooled sheep, and long-haired goat varieties is down. The downy fleece of sheep is 15-25 microns thick. It yields the finest and sturdiest woolen yarn and is used to make the best woolen fabrics. The downy fleece of goats is used mainly for shawls, and camel and rabbit down are used for knitted goods.



[dau̇n] (engineering) Not in operation. (geology) Hillock of sand thrown up along the coast by the sea or the wind. A flat eminence on the top of a hill or mountain.


11. of or relating to a train or trains from a more important place or one regarded as higher 2. (of a device, machine, etc., esp a computer) temporarily out of action 3. made in cash 4. American football one of a maximum of four consecutive attempts by one team to advance the ball a total of at least ten yards


21. the soft fine feathers with free barbs that cover the body of a bird and prevent loss of heat. In the adult they lie beneath and between the contour feathers 2. another name for eiderdown3. Botany a fine coating of soft hairs, as on certain leaves, fruits, and seeds 4. any growth or coating of soft fine hair, such as that on the human face


Archaic a hill, esp a sand dune


1. a district of SE Northern Ireland, in Co. Down. Pop.: 65 195 (2003 est.). Area: 649 sq. km (250 sq. miles) 2. a historical county of SE Northern Ireland, on the Irish Sea: generally hilly, rising to the Mountains of Mourne: in 1973 it was replaced for administrative purposes by the districts of Ards, Banbridge, Castlereagh, Down, Newry and Mourne, North Down, and part of Lisburn. Area: 2466 sq. km (952 sq. miles)


(1)Not operating. "The up escalator is down" is considered ahumorous thing to say, and "The elevator is down" alwaysmeans "The elevator isn't working" and never refers to whatfloor the elevator is on. With respect to computers, thisterm has passed into the mainstream; the extension to otherkinds of machine is still hackish.


(2)"go down" To stop functioning; usually said of thesystem. The message from the console that every hackerhates to hear from the operator is "System going down in 5minutes".


(3)"take down", "bring down" To deactivate purposely, usuallyfor repair work or PM. "I'm taking the system down to workon that bug in the tape drive." Occasionally one hears theword "down" by itself used as a verb in this sense.

See crash; opposite: up.


A computer that ceases to operate due to hardware or software failure. A communications line is down when it is unable to transfer data.



(down), John Langdon H., English physician, 1828-1896. See: Down syndrome.


(doun)n.1. Fine, soft, fluffy feathers forming the first plumage of a young bird and underlying the contour feathers in certain adult birds.2. A soft, silky, or feathery substance, such as the first growth of a human beard.


the soft, small feathers lacking BARBULES that cover the body of a bird and aid heat retention.

Patient discussion about down

Q. Can Down syndrome occur again? A few years ago, at the age of 32 my sister gave birth to a child that was diagnosed with Down syndrome. Now, at the age of 37 she's pregnant again. Can she have another baby with Down? Does the fact she has a baby with Down means she has higher risk for a second baby with Down?A. - Older women especially after 35 years
- Previuosly child with Down Syndrome
Video link

Q. assessment of down syndrom A. down syndrome is a very easy diagnosis - it just need a chromosome check and seeing 3 (instead 2) chromosomes number 21. -

Q. what does enlarged heart mean? is it linked to down syndrome? My wife is 16 weeks pregnant. we did a prenatal US and we were told that the baby hes an enlarged heart and that we are advised to do amniocentesis.A friend of mine had a baby with down syndrome, and he was toled that if they have done this procedure, the doctors could have find it on time and abort the pregnancy. Is there a clear connection between the enlarged hart and the fact that the doctor advised us to do this procedure to down syndrome?A. Down syndrome is associated with several kinds of heart problems. those problems can cause an enlarged heart but usually it will appears as a post-natal complication.
The protocol that most obstetrics use is that if there is anything abnormal in the US there is an automatic referral to an amniocentesis procedure.
the US has a lot of false alarms, so they must check with the more accurate procedure.

More discussions about down


DoWNDragons of Winter Night (novel by Margaret Weiss and Tracy Hickman)

See DN


Related to down: down under, Party down
  • all
  • prep
  • adv
  • adj
  • verb
  • noun
  • phrase

Synonyms for down

prep along


  • along
  • to the other end of
  • throughout the length of
  • from one end to the other of

prep throughout


  • throughout
  • over
  • through
  • during

adv downwards


  • downwards
  • from top to bottom
  • towards the bottom
  • downstairs

adj depressed


  • depressed
  • low
  • sad
  • blue
  • unhappy
  • discouraged
  • miserable
  • fed up
  • dismal
  • pessimistic
  • melancholy
  • glum
  • dejected
  • despondent
  • dispirited
  • downcast
  • morose
  • disheartened
  • crestfallen
  • downhearted
  • down in the dumps
  • sick as a parrot
  • low-spirited

adj not working


  • not working
  • broken
  • broken down
  • defective
  • out of action
  • out of order
  • acting up
  • not functioning
  • on the blink
  • on its last legs
  • kaput
  • not in working order

verb swallow


  • swallow
  • drink (down)
  • knock back
  • sink
  • drain
  • finish off
  • gulp (down)
  • put away
  • swig
  • guzzle
  • quaff
  • polish off
  • toss off

verb bring down


  • bring down
  • fell
  • knock down
  • throw
  • trip
  • floor
  • tackle
  • deck
  • overthrow
  • prostrate

noun fluff


  • fluff
  • nap
  • fuzz
  • pile
  • oose

phrase have a down on something or someone


  • be antagonistic or hostile to
  • be set against
  • have it in for
  • be anti
  • be prejudiced against
  • be contra
  • bear a grudge towards
  • feel ill will towards

Synonyms for down

adj characterized by reduced economic activity


  • dull
  • off
  • slack
  • slow
  • sluggish
  • soft

adj suffering from or affected with an illness


  • ill
  • sick
  • unwell
  • laid up
  • poorly

adj in low spirits


  • blue
  • dejected
  • depressed
  • desolate
  • dispirited
  • downcast
  • downhearted
  • dull
  • dysphoric
  • gloomy
  • heavy-hearted
  • low
  • melancholic
  • melancholy
  • sad
  • spiritless
  • tristful
  • unhappy
  • wistful

noun a sudden drop to a lower condition or status


  • comedown
  • descent
  • downfall
  • downgrade

verb to cause to fall, as from a shot or blow


  • bring down
  • cut down
  • drop
  • fell
  • flatten
  • floor
  • ground
  • knock down
  • level
  • prostrate
  • strike down
  • throw
  • deck

verb to swallow (food or drink) greedily or rapidly in large amounts


  • bolt
  • englut
  • engorge
  • gobble
  • gulp
  • guzzle
  • ingurgitate
  • swill
  • wolf

Synonyms for down

noun soft fine feathers


  • down feather

Related Words

  • feather
  • plumage
  • plume
  • duck down
  • goose down
  • swan's down
  • plumule

noun (American football) a complete play to advance the football

Related Words

  • turn
  • play
  • American football
  • American football game

noun English physician who first described Down's syndrome (1828-1896)


  • John L. H. Down

noun (usually plural) a rolling treeless highland with little soil

Related Words

  • plural
  • plural form
  • highland
  • upland

noun fine soft dense hair (as the fine short hair of cattle or deer or the wool of sheep or the undercoat of certain dogs)


  • pile

Related Words

  • hair
  • lanugo

verb drink down entirely


  • belt down
  • bolt down
  • drink down
  • pour down
  • toss off
  • pop
  • kill

Related Words

  • drink
  • imbibe

verb eat immoderately


  • consume
  • devour
  • go through

Related Words

  • eat

verb bring down or defeat (an opponent)

Related Words

  • athletics
  • sport
  • defeat
  • get the better of
  • overcome

verb shoot at and force to come down


  • shoot down
  • land

verb cause to come or go down


  • knock down
  • push down
  • pull down
  • cut down

Related Words

  • submarine
  • strike

verb improve or perfect by pruning or polishing


  • fine-tune
  • refine
  • polish

Related Words

  • ameliorate
  • improve
  • meliorate
  • amend
  • better
  • overrefine
  • over-refine
  • civilise
  • civilize
  • school
  • cultivate
  • educate
  • train

adj being or moving lower in position or less in some value

Related Words

  • low
  • descending


  • up

adj extending or moving from a higher to a lower place


  • downward

Related Words

  • descending

adj becoming progressively lower

Related Words

  • falling

adj being put out by a strikeout

Related Words

  • out

adj understood perfectly


  • down pat
  • mastered

Related Words

  • perfect

adj lower than previously


  • depressed

Related Words

  • low

adj shut

Related Words

  • lowered

adj not functioning (temporarily or permanently)

Related Words

  • inoperative

adj filled with melancholy and despondency


  • down in the mouth
  • downhearted
  • low-spirited
  • dispirited
  • gloomy
  • downcast
  • blue
  • depressed
  • grim
  • low

Related Words

  • dejected

adv spatially or metaphorically from a higher to a lower level or position


  • downward
  • downwardly
  • downwards


  • up
  • upward
  • upwardly
  • upwards

adv away from a more central or a more northerly place


  • up

adv to a lower intensity


  • up




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