cheap at the price

cheap at the price

Worth the price and more. Said of something that one would willingly pay more for (even if it is expensive) because one deems it to be of great quality and value. Primarily heard in Australia. Yes, I spent a lot of money on these fancy new skis, but they really are cheap at the price.See also: cheap, price

cheap at the price

well worth having, regardless of the cost. A frequently heard variant of this expression, cheap at half the price , while used to mean exactly the same, is, logically speaking, nonsense, since cheap at twice the price is the actual meaning intended.See also: cheap, price

cheap at the ˈprice

(British English) (American English cheap at ˈtwice the price) worth more than the price paid, even though it is expensive: I know £6 000 is a lot of money, but a great car like this is cheap at the price.See also: cheap, price