bits per pixel

bits per pixel

(hardware, graphics)(bpp) The number of bits of informationstored per pixel of an image or displayed by a graphics adapter. The more bits there are, the more colours can berepresented, but the more memory is required to store ordisplay the image.

A colour can be described by the intensities of red, green andblue (RGB) components. Allowing 8 bits (1 byte) percomponent (24 bits per pixel) gives 256 levels for eachcomponent and over 16 million different colours - more thanthe human eye can distinguish. Microsoft Windows alls this truecolour. An image of 1024x768 with24 bpp requires over 2 MB of memory.

"High colour" uses 16 bpp (or 15 bpp), 5 bits for blue, 5 bitsfor red and 6 bits for green. This reduced colour precisiongives a slight loss of image quality at a 1/3 saving onmemory.

Standard VGA uses a palette of 16 colours (4 bpp), eachcolour in the palette is 24 bit. Standard SVGA uses apalette of 256 colours (8 bpp).

Some graphics hardware and software support 32-bit colourdepths, including an 8-bit "alpha channel" for transparencyeffects.