bitmap display

bitmap display

(hardware)A computer output device where each pixeldisplayed on the monitor screen corresponds directly to oneor more bits in the computer's video memory. Such adisplay can be updated extremely rapidly since changing apixel involves only a single processor write to memorycompared with a terminal or VDU connected via a serialline where the speed of the serial line limits the speed atwhich the display can be changed.

Most modern personal computers and workstations havebitmap displays, allowing the efficient use of graphical user interfaces, interactive graphics and a choice of on-screenfonts. Some more expensive systems still delegate graphicsoperations to dedicated hardware such as graphics accelerators.

The bitmap display might be traced back to the earliest daysof computing when the Manchester University Mark I(?)computer, developed by F.C. Williams and T. Kilburn shortlyafter the Second World War. This used a storage tube as itsworking memory. Phosphor dots were used to store singlebits of data which could be read by the user and interpretedas binary numbers.