

单词 chd



abbr. coronary heart disease
EncyclopediaSeecongenital heart disease



 [kor´ah-nar-e] encircling in the manner of a crown; said of anatomical structures such as vessels, ligaments, or nerves.coronary arteries two large arteries that branch from the ascending aorta and supply all of the heart muscle with blood (see also table of arteries). A view of the coronary arterial system. The arteries serving the posterior aspect of the myocardium are shown here in a lighter shade.coronary artery disease (CAD) atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries, which may cause angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, and sudden death. Both genetically determined and avoidable risk factors contribute to the disease; they include hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, smoking, diabetes mellitus, and low levels of high density lipoproteins (HDL).coronary heart disease (CHD) ischemic heart disease.coronary occlusion the occlusion, or closing off, of a coronary artery, usually caused by a narrowing of the lumen of the blood vessels by the plaques of atherosclerosis. Sometimes a plaque may rupture and release vasoactive or thrombogenic substances that lead to clot formation. If there is adequate collateral circulation to the heart muscle at the time of the occlusion, there may be little or no damage to the myocardial cells. When occlusion is complete, however, with no blood being supplied to an area of the myocardium, myocardial infarction results.


abbr. coronary heart disease


Abbreviation for:
Centre for Human Development (Medspeak-UK)
centre haemodialysis
Chediak-Higashi disease
childhood disease
Child Health Division
chronic haemodialysis
chronic heart disease
classic Hodgkin disease
congenital diaphragmatic hernia
congenital heart disease
congenital hip dislocation
Connection of Health Data & General Practice (Medspeak-UK)
conventional haemodialysis
coronary heart disease (Medspeak-UK)
cystic hydatid disease


1. Congenital heart disease.2. Coronary heart disease.


Abbrev. for Doctor of Surgery.


CHDCoronary Heart Disease
CHDConsolidated Help Desk
CHDChild (air ticket tariff category)
CHDCongenital Heart Disease
CHDCamp Happy Days (South Carolina)
CHDCenter for Health Design (Concord, CA)
CHDConsumer Health Digest (newsletter)
CHDCommunity Health Division (various locations)
CHDCounty Health Department
CHDCommon Hepatic Duct (liver)
CHDCampaign for Human Development
CHDCanine Hip Dysplasia
CHDCommon Home Directory
CHDChange Destination
CHDChained Directory
CHDChange Directory
CHDCompare Host Data
CHDChromodomain Helicase DNA-Binding (protein family)
CHDChild Health Day (various locations)
CHDCalifornia Human Development
CHDCard Holder Data (financial record)
CHDCentre Hospitalier Départemental (French: departmental general hospital)
CHDCommunity Help Desk (various locations)
CHDCompressed Hard Disk
CHDCancer Health Disparity
CHDCenter for Hearing and Deafness (University of Buffalo; Buffalo, NY)
CHDCalifornia Harley Davidson (motorcycles)
CHDCentre Hospitalier de Dunkerque (French: Dunkirk Hospital Center; Dunkirk, France)
CHDCentre for Human Development (Rajasthan, India)
CHDCatalytic Hydrodesulfurization (process)
CHDChildren's Home of Detroit (Grosse Pointe Woods, MI)
CHDCatering & Hospitality Database
CHDCounty Health Director
CHDCentre d'Histoire du Droit (French: Legal History Center; University of Rennes; Rennes, France)
CHDChicago Hittite Dictionary Project
CHDCompressed Hunk of Data
CHDCivil Homeland Defense Corps (Tombstone, AZ)
CHDCargo Handling Detachment
CHDCargo Helicopter Division
CHDCorrectional Holding Detachment
CHDConstricted Double-Heterojunction
CHDCongenital Hip Displacement/Dislocation
CHDChandler Municipal Airport, Chandler, Arizona, USA (Airport Code)
CHDClick Here Dummy
CHDChisel Type Dressers (Spectra Diamond Tools)
CHDCertified Head Doctor




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