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epidermolysis Translationsepidermolysis
epidermolysis[‚ep·ə·dər′mäl·ə·səs] (medicine) The easy separation of various layers of skin, primarily of the epidermis from the corium, observed in certain pathological conditions. epidermolysis
epidermolysis [ep″ĭ-der-mol´ĭ-sis] a loosened state of the epidermis with formation of blebs and bullae either spontaneously or at the site of trauma.epidermolysis bullo´sa a variety with development of bullae and vesicles, often at the site of trauma; in the hereditary forms, there may be severe scarring after healing, or extensive denuded areas after rupture of the lesions.ep·i·der·mol·y·sis (ep'i-dĕr-mol'i-sis), Avoid the mispronunciation epidermoly'sis.A condition in which the epidermis is loosely attached to the corium, readily exfoliating or forming blisters. [epidermis + G. lysis, loosening] epidermolysis Dermatology The shearing of the epidermis from the dermis, generally with an accumulation of fluid and formation of blebs and bullae. See Epidermolysis bullosa. ep·i·der·mol·y·sis (ep'i-dĕr-mol'i-sis) A condition in which the epidermis is loosely attached to the corium, readily exfoliating or forming blisters. [epidermis + G. lysis, loosening]epidermolysis Separation of the outer layer of the skin from the underlying CORIUM, usually with the formation of a blister. Epidermolysis is a feature of many skin disorders.ep·i·der·mol·y·sis (ep'i-dĕr-mol'i-sis) Avoid the mispronunciation epidermoly'sis.A condition in which the epidermis is loosely attached to the corium, readily exfoliating or forming blisters. [epidermis + G. lysis, loosening] |