Dovletmamed Azadi
Azadi, Dovletmamed
Born 1700; died 1760. Turkmen poet and scholar.
Azadi was the father of the Turkmen literary classic Makhtumkuli and an adherent of Sufism. Azadi’s chief works were the narrative poem Bekhisht-name and the didactic work Vagzi-Azad, written in the form of a mathnawi. The language of the poem is archaic and abounds in Arabic and Persian elements.
Saylanan ëserler. Ashkhabad, 1946.Antologiia turkm. poezii. Moscow, 1949.
Samoilovich, A. “Stikhi Doulet-Mameda molly, ottsa Makhtumkuli.” In Russkoe arkheologicheskoe obshchestvo: Vostochnoe otdelenie, vol. 22, issues 1–2. St. Petersburg, 1914.Il’iasov, O. Kniga “Vagzi-Azad.” Ashkhabad, 1963.
Karryev, B. A. “Dovletmamed Azadi.” Izvestiia Turkm. FAN SSSR, 1949, nos. 2 and 4. (Summary in Russian.)