epidemic hemoglobinuria

ep·i·dem·ic he·mo·glo·bi·nu·ri·a

the presence of hemoglobin, or of pigments derived from it, in the urine of young infants, attended with cyanosis, jaundice, and other conditions; may be due to secondary methemoglobinemia; also called Winckel disease.

ep·i·dem·ic he·mo·glo·bi·nu·ri·a

(ep'i-dem'ik hē'mō-glō-bi-nyūr'ē-ă) The presence of hemoglobin in the urine of young infants, attended with cyanosis, jaundice, and other conditions; may be due to secondary methemoglobinemia.
Synonym(s): Winckel disease.

epidemic hemoglobinuria

Hemoglobinuria of the newborn characterized by jaundice, cyanosis, and fatty degeneration of heart and liver. Synonym: Winckel diseaseSee also: hemoglobinuria