Chaussier sign

Chaus·si·er sign

(shō-sē-ā'), severe pain in the epigastrium, a prodrome of eclampsia; may be of central origin or caused by distention of the capsule of liver by hemorrhage.

Chaussier sign

An obsolete term for severe epigastric pain described by F Chaussier (1746-1828), a French doctor, as a typical prodrome of eclampsia, thought to be due to distension of the liver capsule by haemorrhage.

Chaus·si·er sign

(shō-sē-ā' sīn) Severe pain in the epigastrium, a prodrome of eclampsia; may be of central origin or caused by distention of the capsule of liver by hemorrhage.


François, French physician, 1746-1828. Chaussier areola - a ring of indurated tissue surrounding the lesion of cutaneous anthrax.Chaussier line - the anteroposterior line of the corpus callosum as appearing on median section of the brain.Chaussier sign - severe pain in the epigastrium, a prodrome of eclampsia.