Colorado River Headwaters Byway

Colorado River Headwaters Byway

Parks Directory of the United States / National Scenic BywaysAddress:c/o Granby Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 35
Granby, CO 80446

Web: Description:Route follows the path of the Colorado Riverfrom its headwaters in Rocky Mountain National Park, passing through a diverse topography of high mountainpasses, rugged mountains and canyons. Rocky Mountain National Park, the Arapahoand Roosevelt National Forests, Lake Granby, and Grand Lake offer a variety ofrecreational opportunities including camping, hiking, fishing, canoeing, andrafting.
Legth: 69 miles. Start/Endpoint: Route follows a northeast/southwest direction from WestLake to State Bridge near Bond, Colorado. It includes sections of US 34,US 40, and CR 1. Time to Allow: 1.5 hours. Designation/Year: National Scenic Byway (2005).

See other parks in Colorado.