

单词 emta
释义 EncyclopediaSeeVoIP modem



A professional association for traders and investors in emerging markets. It provides a forum for these market participants to discuss current issues in emerging market investing and, when possible, to devise solutions to problems by consensus. It was established in 1990 in the wake of the debt rescheduling in Mexico and Venezuela. See also: Brady plan.


The principal trade group for emerging markets trading. Originally formed in 1990 in response to debt reschedulings by Mexico and Venezuela, the group later expanded its interests to market practices and documentation. Formerly called Emerging Markets Traders Association.


EMTAEuropean Metropolitan Transport Authorities
EMTAEmbedded Multimedia Terminal Adapter
EMTAEmerging Markets Traders Association
EMTAErie Metropolitan Transit Authority (Pennsylvania)
EMTAEngineering and Marine Training Authority (UK)
EMTAEndless Mountains Transportation Authority (Pennsylvania)
EMTAEuropean Management Training Associates (est. 1987)
EMTAEast Meadow Teachers Association
EMTAEdmonds Music Teachers Association
EMTAEmergency Medical Technician Ambulance (EMS)
EMTAEnhanced Multimedia Terminal Adapter
EMTAEnterprise Messaging Trusted Agent




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