FEPSFast Ethernet Parallel Port Scsi
FEPSFédération des Écoles Professionnelles en Sophrologie (French: Federation of Professional Sophrology Schools)
FEPSFormation and Evolution of Planetary Systems
FEPSFederation of European Physiological Societies
FEPSFaculty of Economics and Political Science (Cairo University)
FEPSFellow of the Emergency Planning Society (UK)
FEPSFacility and Equipment Planning System
FEPSFoundation for European Progressive Studies
FEPSFamily Eviction Prevention Supplement (Human Resources Administration; Department of Social Services; New York, NY)
FEPSFacility Engineering Planning System (telecommunications)
FEPSFederal Electronic Processing Standard
FEPSField End Photographic Society
FEPSFlash EEPROM Programming Signal
FEPSFederal Electronic Procurement Service, LLC (engineering company)