a district in northern Rumania, on the Transylvanian plateau and in the Eastern Carpathians. It has an area of 5,100 sq km and a population of 269,000 (1968). Its administrative center is Bistriţa.
Bistriţa-Năsăud is a region of highly productive livestock raising (pedigree cattle and sheep). Wheat is planted, and there are apple and plum orchards in the foothill areas. There is logging, mining of polymetallic ores (in Rodna), and procurement of construction materials in the mountain regions. Industry includes the food industry (processing of products of livestock raising) and the woodworking industry (sawmilling and production of furniture and paper). The main industrial centers are the cities of Bistrita and Násáud, which also have leather and footwear, sewing, and metalworking enterprises.