Acronym | Definition |
CWL➣Call of Duty World League (gaming) |
CWL➣Catholic Women's League |
CWL➣Common Workflow Language |
CWL➣Community Wireless |
CWL➣Campus Wide Login |
CWL➣Christmas Wish List |
CWL➣Centralne Warsztaty Lotnicze (Polish: Central Aviation Workshop) |
CWL➣Center Wavelength |
CWL➣Clean Water Legacy (Minnesota) |
CWL➣City Water Light (utility; Springfield, IL) |
CWL➣Center for Writing and Learning |
CWL➣Consolidated Word List |
CWL➣Concealed Weapons License |
CWL➣Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom - Cardiff-Wales (Airport Code) |
CWL➣Center for Wildlife Law (University of New Mexico) |
CWL➣Chaotic War Lords (gaming) |
CWL➣Congestion Window Limit |
CWL➣Crying With Laughter |
CWL➣Common Weapon Launcher (US DoD) |
CWL➣Church without Limits |
CWL➣Cornwall Railroad |
CWL➣Continuous Running Water Level |
CWL➣Compliance Warranty Language |
CWL➣Wordline Capacitance per Cell |
CWL➣Catherinefield Windows Limited (UK) |
CWL➣Center for Working Life |
CWL➣Construction Work Limit |
CWL➣Chemical Warfare Labs |
CWL➣Control Water Level |
CWL➣Cold Water Line (engineering) |