CWEDCenter for Weight and Eating Disorders (University of Pennsylvania)
CWEDCoalition for Women's Economic Development
CWEDContrast Weighted Edge Density
CWEDCentral Wholesale Electrical Distributors, Inc. (Livermore, CA)
CWEDCommunity Workshop on Economic Development (Chicago, Illinois)
CWEDCalifornia Women in Environmental Design
CWEDCommunity & Workforce Education Courses
CWEDCenter for Women, the Earth and the Divine
CWEDCenter for Workforce and Economic Development
CWEDChicago Workshop on Economic Development
CWEDCurvilinear Wave Electrodynamics
CWEDCity With Exacerbated Differences
CWEDComparative Welfare Entitlements Dataset
CWEDCorrelation-based Watermarking Error Diffusion