Denike, Boris Petrovich

Denike, Boris Petrovich


Born 1885; died 1941 in Moscow. Soviet art historian, doctor of the arts.

Denike graduated from the historical and philological department of the University of Kazan. In 1920 he began teaching at Moscow University (he became a professor in 1925) and later taught at the Moscow Institute of Philosophy, Literature, and History. In the 1920’s and 1930’s he was on the staff of the Russian Association of Scientific Research Institutes of Social Sciences (RANION), the Museum of Eastern Cultures (now the Museum of Art of the Eastern Peoples, Moscow), and the A. S. Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts. In 1927-1928, while director of the Museum of Eastern Cultures, he supervised excavations of ancient Termez.


Iskusstvo Vostoka. Kazan, 1923.
Iskusstvo Srednei Azii. Moscow, 1927.
Iaponskaia tsvetnaia graviura. Moscow, 1935.
Zhivopis’ Irana. Moscow, 1938.
Arkhitekturnyi ornament Srednei Azii. Moscow-Leningrad, 1939.
Kratkaia istoriia iskusstva Kitaia. Moscow-Leningrad, 1948. (In cooperation with O. Glukhareva.)