

单词 bcr
释义 DictionarySeecmlEncyclopediaSeeCML



Breakpoint cluster region. A 5.8-kb DNA segment on chromosome 22q11.23, which, in contrast to the well-studied BCR-ABL fusion protein related to malignant transformation of pluripotent haematopoietic stem cells in CML, encodes a gene product of unknown function, which has serine/threonine kinase activity and is a GTPase-activating protein for p21rac.
In CML there is a reciprocal translocation between chromosome 9q34—a site which contains the human homolog of the Abelson viral oncogene, c-abl—and chromosome 22q1, the location of the breakpoint cluster region; this translocation results in formation of the Philadelphia chromosome, which transcribes a hybrid mRNA, encoding a protein with tyrosine kinase activity.
FinancialSeeBenefit Cost Ratio


BCRB Cell Receptor
BCRBanca Comerciala Romana (Romanian bank)
BCRBinding Corporate Rules (various organizations)
BCRBreakpoint Cluster Region
BCRBionic Commando Rearmed (gaming)
BCRBay City Rollers (band)
BCRBlack College Reunion (annual event at Daytona Beach)
BCRBorder Collie Rescue (dogs; various locations)
BCRBenefit/Cost Ratio
BCRBusiness Communications Review
BCRBus Control Register
BCRBusiness Card Reader
BCRBig Cat Rescue
BCRBank of Costa Rica
BCRBanco Central de Reserva de El Salvador (Central Reserve Bank of El Salvador)
BCRBull City Rising (Durham, NC)
BCRBand Council Resolution (Canada)
BCRBird Conservation Region
BCRBar Code Reader
BCRBusiness Communications Review (magazine)
BCRBall Closure Ring (body piercing)
BCRBirth Control Review (Margaret Sanger publication)
BCRBox Car Racer (band)
BCRBiochemical Reactor
BCRBusiness Card Recognition
BCRBusiness Community Relations (various organizations)
BCRBibliographic Center for Research
BCRBâtiment de Commandement et de Ravitaillement (French naval ship)
BCRBanque Commerciale du Rwanda (French: Commercial Bank of Rwanda)
BCRBrief Constructed Response (education)
BCRBureau Communautaire de Référence (French: Community Bureau of Reference; European Union production standard)
BCRBuilding Condition Report (Canada)
BCRByte Count Register
BCRBiological, Chemical or Radiological
BCRBulbocavernosus Reflex
BCRBlue Collar Republican
BCRBradford Centre Regeneration (UK)
BCRBéton Compacté Au Rouleau (French; Portneuf, Quebec, Canada)
BCRBremen Core Repository
BCRBali Car Rentals
BCRBudget Change Request
BCRBritish Columbia Regiment (Canadian Reserves)
BCRBackground Counting Rate
BCRBaseline Change Request
BCRBritish Columbia Rail (Canada)
BCRBase Curve Radius (of contact lens)
BCRBachelor of Community Rehabilitation
BCRBlue Collar Review
BCRBeaver Creek Resort (Gaylord, Michigan)
BCRBell Communications Research Inc.
BCRBush-Cheney-Rove (political shorthand)
BCRBartcop Radio
BCRBlast Containment Receptacle (security)
BCRBudget Control Report
BCRBar Chart Report
BCRBadminton Club Roubaix (French badminton club)
BCRBegin Curb Return (construction)
BCRBarrie Collingwood Railway
BCRBattlefield Communications Review
BCRBattle Casualty Replacement
BCRBusiness Club Russie (French: Russian Business Club)
BCRBase Change Request
BCRBlocked Calls Released
BCRBusiness Change Request
BCRBirthing Cost Recovery
BCRBibliothèque Centrale de Recherche (French: Central Research Library)
BCRBudget Change Report
BCRBig Crappy Robot (band)
BCRBase Conference Room
BCRBowers cult Regular
BCRBudget Comparison Report
BCRBoulangerie Construction Réalisation (French construction company)
BCRBeginning Curb Return (surveying/civil engineering)
BCRBase-band Combiner Radio
BCRBranch on Condition to Register (IBM)
BCRBoca do Acre, Amazonas, Brazil (airport code)
BCRBilling Cross-Reference
BCRBeis Chaya Rochel (Jewish seminary)
BCRBasic Cost Reduction
BCRBonsaï Club de Reims (Reims, France)
BCRBrisk Capillary Refill
BCRBureau Central de Répartition (French: Central Office of Allocation; insurance industry)




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