chasing the dragon

A slang term originating in Cantonese for an array of methods of drug abuse, in particular, inhaling vaporised opium, heroin, morphine, crack cocaine, DMT, MDMA, and even marijuana, which is thought to carry an increased risk of progressive spongiform leukoencephalopathy
Management None
Prognosis 25% mortality
Less commonly, the term refers to female heroin addicts who prostitute themselves for the next fix

chasing the dragon

Dragon chasing Substance abuse Inhalation of heated heroin–or crack, associated with progressive spongiform leukoencephalopathy Clinical progressive bradykinesia, ataxia, slurred speech, abulia, decorticate posture, spasticity, quadriplegia, dysmetria, broad-based gait Imaging MRI—diffuse, symmetric area of white matter hyperintensity, most prominent in the cerebellum; posterior brain, splenium of the corpus callosum, and posterior limb of internal capsule Management None Prognosis 25% mortality. See Cocaine, Heroin.