

单词 eti



(Embed The Internet) An earlier consortium that was devoted to putting Web servers into microcontrollers used in embedded systems. Using a Web server enables access to the device via any Web browser. See Web server and microcontroller.
MedicalSeeweb serverFinancialSeeWeb Server


ETIEntreprise de Taille Intermédiaire (French: Medium Size Business)
ETIEnte Tabacchi Italiani (Italian: Italian Tobacco Authority)
ETIEthical Trading Initiative (UK)
ETIEnzymatic Therapy, Inc. (Green Bay, WI)
ETIExtraterrestrial Intelligence
ETIEnte Teatrale Italiano (Italy)
ETIEmployment Trends Index (The Conference Board)
ETIEnergy Technologies Institute (UK)
ETIExtraterritorial Income
ETIEcole de Traduction et d’Interprétation (French: School of Translation and Interpretation, University of Geneva, Switzerland)
ETIEnhance Technology, Inc. (Santa Fe Springs, CA)
ETIEmergent Technologies Inc (Austin, TX)
ETIEasy to Install
ETIExpert Center for Taxonomic Identification
ETIElasticity of Taxable Income
ETIExpert Technique International (French: International Technical Expert)
ETIEconomically Targeted Investment
ETIEngineering Technical Information
ETIEstimated Time of Intercept (US DoD)
ETIEngineers Training Institute (various schools)
ETIEuropean Transport Infrastructure
ETIEvolutionary Technologies International, Inc.
ETIEnsemble Transport Interface
ETIEnvironmental Technology Initiative
ETIElapsed Time Indicator
ETIEuropees Technologie Instituut (Dutch: European Institute of Technology)
ETIExtrusion Technologies, Inc. (various companies)
ETIExtra-Territorial Intelligence
ETIEquator Technologies, Inc.
ETIEffective Technology Integration (education)
ETIElectrical Training Institute (of Southern California)
ETIEdista Testing Institute (India)
ETIEstimated Time to Invasion (game)
ETIEcho Therapeutics, Inc.
ETIEfficient Technology Inc (Redondo Beach, CA)
ETIEnterprise Theory of Investigation (RICO statute)
ETIEvolutionary Technology Insertion (military)
ETIEarth Trance Interlude (band)
ETIEnhanced Training in Idaho
ETIEconomic Trends and Issues
ETIElektronika Telekomunikacja Informatyka (Polish: Electronics Telecommunications Informatics)
ETIEconomical and Technological Intelligence (5th European Framework Programme)
ETIEnergy Time Indicator
ETIEconomics & Technology Incorporated
ETIEstudiants de Traducció i Interpretació (Translation & Interpreting Students; Students Union)
ETIEagle Technologies Incorporated
ETIElectro-Therm International (Belgium)
ETIEnterprise Transition & Implementation
ETIEnterprise Telephone Integration (CMA)
ETIExtended Transaction Interface
ETIEast Texas Inspections (Grand Saline, TX real estate)




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